佛罗里达州立大学(FSU)的生物学家等人发现了一种导致细胞极性的特殊分子遗传机制,这一研究具有里程碑的意义。细胞形状和组成物的不对称对于细胞正常功能来说至关重要,这一在果蝇卵子细胞里的发现将会帮助阐明人类肌肉营养不良症(muscular dystrophy)和癌症是怎样发生的。这项研究是由FSU的助理教授Wu-Min Deng和生物科学系的博士生John S. Poulton开展的,希望能对细胞极性及其发生有一个全面的理解。该研究成果发表在8月14日的PNAS网络版上。
为了赞赏FSU科学家的这一开创性工作,NIH将竞争激烈的"R01" (Research Project Grant)授予Deng。自2004年加入FSU以来,Deng领导了一个果蝇卵子发生研究项目,目的是揭示细胞与细胞之间交流的机制。相关的发现发表在2005年的《Development》杂志上。
他们目前的研究项目——“EGFR信号通路下调Dystroglycan基因与果蝇卵母细胞前后极性的形成”——在很大程度上依赖于最先进的激光共聚焦显微镜(laser confocal microscope),该仪器是由FSU生物科学成像资源部提供的设备。项目的经费资助部分来源于美国心脏协会。
Dystroglycan down-regulation links EGF receptor signaling and anterior-posterior polarity formation in the Drosophila oocyte
Anterior-posterior axis formation in the Drosophila oocyte requires activation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) pathway in the posterior follicle cells (PFC), where it also redirects them from the default anterior to the posterior cell fate. The relationship between EGFR activity in the PFC and oocyte polarity is unclear, because no EGFR-induced changes in the PFC have been observed that subsequently affect oocyte polarity. Here, we show that an extracellular matrix receptor, Dystroglycan, is down-regulated in the PFC by EGFR signaling, and this down-regulation is necessary for proper localization of posterior polarity determinants in the oocyte. Failure to down-regulate Dystroglycan disrupts apicobasal polarity in the PFC, which includes mislocalization of the extracellular matrix component Laminin. Our data indicate that Dystroglycan links EGFR-induced repression of the anterior follicle cell fate and anterior-posterior polarity formation in the oocyte.