生物谷报道:最近,明尼苏达州大学的研究者发现一组在器官发育中的关键基因。科学家们在斑马鱼分泌腺上研究了这些基因的作用。这组基因编码的蛋白定位在细胞表面或者内部,并且在体内负责直接的“图式发育”,或者确保细胞的分裂,区别和移动在发育过程中正确形式的重要器官,以确保它们在正确的地方。这项研究发表在《Public Library of Science journal ONE》杂志的当前在线期刊上。
研究者发现在不同系统和过程发育中一组新相关基因,其中就像血液和血管的发育,眼和耳的形成,脂质或者脂肪的代谢。此外,对于一个特定基因是否被打开或者被关闭仅仅是检查一下已经被取代,他们可以直接比较移除在器官形成和功能时不同的基因时的效果。明尼苏达州大学医学院遗传与细胞生物学系的助理教授Stephen Ekker博士说:“在样本中发现不同的基因表型给了我们发现这些器官发育的一种新水平的决心。”同时他还是在国际多项研究的首席作者,其中包括从德国Freiburg免疫学的研究所Max-Planck来的科学家和马里兰州Baltimore的Washington研究所Carnegie。对于这篇详细的杂志文章,他们在其中说道检查了150个基因,并且他们将回继续按照这种方式去检查参与组成分泌腺的所有4000个基因。
Figure 1. Schematic of overall MO screen.
(A) A bioinformatics pipeline was developed to determine the subset of N-terminally complete CTT homologs representing the testable putative proteins of the zebrafish secretome. (B) AMOD software was developed to standardize and increase the efficiency of the MO design process to allow more rapid screening. (C) A MO database, MODB, was developed to manage, share, and data mine all MO design and outcome information. (D) Following MO synthesis and distribution to the participating labs, MOs were investigated using a variety of assays in zebrafish embryos that allowed functional annotation of 18/150 of the putative CTT proteins investigated. Results of investigations were recorded in MODB for data mining. AMOD software was used to design a second sequence-independent MO to assess specificity of the initial MO tested.
Genome-Wide Reverse Genetics Framework to Identify Novel Functions of the Vertebrate Secretome
Michael A. Pickart3¤a, Eric W. Klee5¤b, Aubrey L. Nielsen1,2, Sridhar Sivasubbu1,2¤c, Eric M. Mendenhall1,2,6, Brent R. Bill1,2,4, Eleanor Chen1,2, Craig E. Eckfeldt6, Michelle Knowlton1,2, Mara E. Robu1,2,3, Jon D. Larson1,2, Yun Deng7, Lisa A. Schimmenti1,4, Lynda B.M. Ellis5, Catherine M. Verfaillie6, Matthias Hammerschmidt8, Steven A. Farber7, Stephen C. Ekker1,2*
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