死亡原理中的线粒体理论是一个颇有争议的理论,这个理论认为,与生命期相当的线粒体DNA变异与衰老过程中观察到的组织功能衰落有关。Lawrence Loeb和同事使用一种全新的、高度敏感的方法来确定在小鼠的正常老化过程中,线粒体DNA中以单个碱基对为基础的变异速度,以及在线粒体变异小鼠体内线粒体的点变异速度。线粒体变异小鼠线粒体点变异量是正常小鼠的500倍。
Published online: 4 March 2007; | doi:10.1038/ng1988
Mitochondrial point mutations do not limit the natural lifespan of mice
Marc Vermulst1, Jason H Bielas1, Gregory C Kujoth2, Warren C Ladiges3, Peter S Rabinovitch1, Tomas A Prolla2 & Lawrence A Loeb1
1 Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 91895, USA.
2 Departments of Genetics and Medical Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA.
3 Department of Comparative Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.
Correspondence should be addressed to Lawrence A Loeb laloeb@u.washington.edu
Whether mitochondrial mutations cause mammalian aging, or are merely correlated with it, is an area of intense debate1. Here, we use a new, highly sensitive assay2 to redefine the relationship between mitochondrial mutations and age. We measured the in vivo rate of change of the mitochondrial genome at a single–base pair level in mice, and we demonstrate that the mutation frequency in mouse mitochondria is more than ten times lower than previously reported. Although we observed an 11-fold increase in mitochondrial point mutations with age, we report that a mitochondrial mutator mouse3 was able to sustain a 500-fold higher mutation burden than normal mice, without any obvious features of rapidly accelerated aging. Thus, our results strongly indicate that mitochondrial mutations do not limit the lifespan of wild-type mice.