石斑鱼是我国南方沿海地区网箱养殖的重要经济鱼类之一。其在生活史中具有由雌变雄的性反转过程,因此雄性亲鱼短缺是限制产业发展的主要因素之一,同时它也是研究鱼类生殖调控和性别分化分子机制的一个独特对象。在国家“973”和“863”等计划项目的支持下,从“十五”开始,水生所鱼类发育遗传学和细胞工程学科组以南方沿海普遍养殖的斜带石斑鱼(E. Coioides)为研究对象,围绕生殖内分泌调控轴,构建了石斑鱼下丘脑、垂体和性腺的一系列cDNA文库,筛选和克隆到了一批参与生殖调控和性腺分化的重要功能基因,分析了一批基因随着性反转进程在垂体、性腺中或在胚胎发育过程中的时空表达图谱。刚刚在《实验动物学杂志·生态遗传学和生理学》上发表的是这一系列研究的论文之一。
Research Article
Differential expression and dynamic changes of SOX3 during gametogenesis and sex reversal in protogynous hermaphroditic fish
Bo Yao, Li Zhou, Yang Wang, Wei Xia, Jian-Fang Gui *
State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Wuhan Center for Developmental Biology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
email: Jian-Fang Gui (jfgui@ihb.ac.cn)
*Correspondence to Jian-Fang Gui, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, China
Bo Yao and Li Zhou have contributed equally to this work.
Bo Yao and Li Zhou have contributed equally to this work.
Funded by:
The National Basic Research Program of China; Grant Number: 2004CB117401
The Innovation group project of Hubei Province; Grant Number: 2004ABC005
SOX3 has been suggested to play significant roles in gametogenesis and gonad differentiation of vertebrates, but the exact cellular localization evidence is insufficient and controversial. In this study, a protogynous hermaphrodite fish Epinephelus coioides is selected to analyze EcSox3 differential expression and the expression pattern in both processes of oogenesis and spermatogenesis by utilizing the advantages that gonad development undergoes transition from ovary to intersexual gonad and then to testis, and primordial germ cells and different stage cells during oogenesis and spermatogenesis are synchronously observed in the transitional gonads. The detailed and clear immunofluoresence localization indicates that significantly differential expression and dynamic changes of Sox3 occur in the progresses of gametogenesis and sex reversal, and EcSOX3 protein exists in the differentiating primordial germ cells, oogonia, and different stage oocytes of ovaries, and also in the differentiating primordial germ cells and the Sertoli cells of testis. One important finding is that the EcSox3 expression is a significant time point for enterable gametogenesis of primordial germ cells because EcSOX3 is obviously expressed and localized in primordial germ cells. As EcSox3 continues to express, the EcSOX3-positive primordial germ cells develop toward oogonia and then oocytes, whereas when EcSox3 expression is ceased, the EcSOX3-positive primordial germ cells develop toward spermatogonia. Therefore, the current finding of EcSOX3 in the differentiating primordial germ cells again confirms the potential regulatory role in oogenesis and germ cell differentiation. The data further suggest that SOX3, as a transcription factor, might have more important roles in oogenesis than in spermatogenesis. J. Exp. Zool. 307A:207-219, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.