在表观遗传学研究中,小分子RNAs(Short interfering RNAs,siRNAs)可以引导DNA甲基化,以及异染色质组蛋白修饰,导致序列特异性转录基因沉默。目前已知动物和酵母组蛋白H2B能单泛素化(monoubiquitinate),这能调控H3组蛋白的甲基化,但是组蛋白泛素化与DNA甲基化之间的关系仍然属于这一领域的一个未解之谜。
在这篇文章中,研究人员发现一种拟南芥去泛素化酶(deubiquitination enzyme)的突变:SUP32/UBP26能减少组蛋白H3赖氨酸9的去甲基化,抑制siRNA指导的DNA甲基化,以及转基因和转座子的异染色质沉默。
Nature 447, 735-738 (7 June 2007) | doi:10.1038/nature05864; Received 23 February 2007; Accepted 24 April 2007
Control of DNA methylation and heterochromatic silencing by histone H2B deubiquitination
Vaniyambadi V. Sridhar1,4, Avnish Kapoor1,4, Kangling Zhang2, Jianjun Zhu3, Tao Zhou3, Paul M. Hasegawa3, Ray A. Bressan3 & Jian-Kang Zhu1
Center for Plant Cell Biology and Department of Botany and Plant Sciences,
Mass Spectrometry Facility, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, California 92521, USA
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to: Jian-Kang Zhu1 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.-K.Z. (Email: jian-kang.zhu@ucr.edu).
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Epigenetic regulation involves reversible changes in DNA methylation and/or histone modification patterns1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can direct DNA methylation and heterochromatic histone modifications, causing sequence-specific transcriptional gene silencing1, 4, 8, 9. In animals and yeast, histone H2B is known to be monoubiquitinated, and this regulates the methylation of histone H3 (refs 10, 11). However, the relationship between histone ubiquitination and DNA methylation has not been investigated. Here we show that mutations in an Arabidopsis deubiquitination enzyme, SUP32/UBP26, decrease the dimethylation on lysine 9 of H3, suppress siRNA-directed methylation of DNA and release heterochromatic silencing of transgenes as well as transposons. We found that Arabidopsis histone H2B is monoubiquitinated at lysine 143 and that the levels of ubiquitinated H2B and trimethyl H3 at lysine 4 increase in sup32 mutant plants. SUP32/UBP26 can deubiquitinate H2B, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays suggest an association between H2B ubiquitination and release of silencing. These data suggest that H2B deubiquitination by SUP32/UBP26 is required for heterochromatic histone H3 methylation and DNA methylation.
1987年 毕业于中国农业大学土化系
1990年 取得加州大学河畔分校植物学硕士学位
1993年 获得普渡大学植物生理学博士学位
1996年 转赴亚利桑那大学吐桑分校任教,2000年成为该校植物学系教授
现任美国加州大学河滨分校教授,整合基因研究所所长,兼任国际著名学术刊物《Plant Physiology》、《Plant Molecular Biology》副主编。
朱健康教授为植物抗逆分子生物学领域世界级领军人物之一,其及其领导的实验室在植物抗旱、耐盐与耐低温方面的研究硕果累累,在国内外享有声誉,他的实验室已在《Cell》、《Science》、《Gene&Development》、《Plant Cell》、PNAS等国际著名学术刊物发表论文40余篇。