生物谷综合:最近,科学家首次发现了确凿的证据,证明内涵体信号系统不仅仅存在于动物细胞内,植物同样具有类似的调节机制。相关论文发表于近期的《基因与发育》(Genes and Development)上。
内涵体(endosome)是细胞内的一个泡状细胞器,它的释放与细胞的内吞作用(endocytosis)紧密相关。科学家长期以来认为,内吞作用是由单纯的信号失活和受体减量调节(down regulation)机制引起的,直到20世纪90年代,研究人员才在动物实验中证实,一些配体结合受体(ligand-bound receptors)需要内化进入内涵体,才能进行信号表达。
近些年来,通过对去除细胞壁的原生质(protoplast)进行研究,科学家意识到,植物体内很可能也存在着内涵体信号系统(endosome-mediated signaling)。不过,受原生质本身的限制,研究人员无法激活或灭活相关受体,也无法证实这一结论。
在最新的研究中,美国萨克生物研究所(The Salk Institute in La Jolla)的Niko Geldner和同事在论文高级作者Joanne Chory的指导下,研究了一种促进拟南芥根部细胞分裂的类固醇受体——激酶BRI1。他们跟踪研究了该受体在细胞质中不同位置的分布和被激活情况,结果发现,这些受体不仅会出现在质膜(plasma membrane)中,而且同样会存在于内涵体中,不论激活与否。此外,研究人员发现,当增加内涵体中的受体时,相关的路径会被打开,基因响应也有所增强,这表明内涵体中的受体被激活,并出现某种信号机制。
科学家一般认为,植物和动物从10亿多年前开始分道扬镳,并逐渐进化出截然不同的受体库。不过,事实可能并非如此。德国海德堡大学(University of Heidelberg)的David Robinson表示,“该论文最出色的地方就在于,它表明植物和动物的受体内化机制具有一定的相似性。”
Published online before print June 19, 2007
Genes and Development, DOI: 10.1101/gad.1561307
Endosomal signaling of plant steroid receptor kinase BRI1
Niko Geldner1, Derek L. Hyman1,2, Xuelu Wang1,2, Karin Schumacher3, and Joanne Chory1,2,4
1 Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, USA; 2 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, USA; 3 Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
The LRR receptor serine/threonine kinases are a major eukaryotic receptor family, for which the central regulatory mechanism of endosomal trafficking remains largely unadressed. We show that the steroid receptor BRI1 localizes to both plasma membrane and early endosomal compartments, even when observed at low, endogenous expression levels, and that its localization and turnover are independent of ligand. However, increasing endosomal localization of BRI1 enhances activation of the pathway and genomic responses. Our data indicate distinct signaling and trafficking mechanisms within this receptor class and show that the use of endosomes as signaling compartments is an unexpectedly broad phenomenon in eukaryotes.
[Keywords: Brassinosteroid; endosomes; plant receptor kinase; Arabidopsis; receptor trafficking]
Received April 12, 2007; revised version accepted May 16, 2007.