来自杜克大学的研究人员创造了第一张人类基因组印记基因(imprintedgenes)图谱,并且他们表示其成功的关键在于一个称为机器学习(machinelearning)的人工智能形式:modern-dayRosettastone。这项研究新发现了四倍于之前识别的印记基因,并即将公布在12月3日Genome Research封面上。
杜克大学放射肿瘤学及病理学系的遗传学家Randy Jirtle博士表示,“基因印记一直以来都是一个谜,这部分是由于它们并不遵循传统的遗传规律”,“我们希望这一新发现的roadmap能帮助我们和其他研究人员发现更多有关这些基因如何影响我们的健康的信息。”
Cover Just as the discovery of the Rosetta Stone by Napoleon’s troops in 1799 led to the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics, computational machine learning techniques have recently been used to decipher the imprint status of a gene from nearby genomic sequence features. These techniques permit the genome-wide identification of human genes that have a high probability of being imprinted. These candidate imprinted genes are in turn linked to complex human conditions where parent-of-origin inheritance is involved. (Cover design by James V. Jirtle, Webwiz Design, www.webwizdesign.com. Phototgraph of the Rosetta Stone used with permission © The Trustees of the British Museum.
Published online before print November 30, 2007, 10.1101/gr.6584707
Genome Res. 17:1723-1730, 2007
Computational and experimental identification of novel human imprinted genes
Philippe P. Luedi1, Fred S. Dietrich2,3, Jennifer R. Weidman4, Jason M. Bosko5, Randy L. Jirtle4,6, and Alexander J. Hartemink1,5,6
1 Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA; 2 Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA; 3 Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA; 4 Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA; 5 Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA
Imprinted genes are essential in embryonic development, and imprinting dysregulation contributes to human disease. We report two new human imprinted genes: KCNK9 is predominantly expressed in the brain, is a known oncogene, and may be involved in bipolar disorder and epilepsy, while DLGAP2 is a candidate bladder cancer tumor suppressor. Both genes lie on chromosome 8, not previously suspected to contain imprinted genes. We identified these genes, along with 154 others, based on the predictions of multiple classification algorithms using DNA sequence characteristics as features. Our findings demonstrate that DNA sequence characteristics, including recombination hot spots, are sufficient to accurately predict the imprinting status of individual genes in the human genome.
6 Corresponding authors.
E-mail amink@cs.duke.edu ; fax (919) 660-6519.
E-mail jirtle@radonc.duke.edu ; fax (919) 684-5584.