Robin Murphy及其同事令大鼠接触分为三部分的序列场景,即要么为视觉信号(轮次出现的暗淡及明亮的光线)或者为听觉信号(轮次出现的高音或低音)。这些动物在接受食物的时候还同时接受某种序列的场景而非其它序列的场景。接着,这些作者改变了听觉试验中的音调频率,但却仍然维持相同的序列模式。将大鼠头部低向喂食槽的时间长短作为期待食物的评判,结果发现,这些大鼠看来能够根据他们所学会的规则来区别所听到的有关信号模式。(来源:EurekAlert!中文版)
(Science),Vol. 319. no. 5871, pp. 1849 - 1851,Robin A. Murphy,Victoria A. Murphy
Rule Learning by Rats
Robin A. Murphy,1* Esther Mondragón,1* Victoria A. Murphy2
Using rules extracted from experience to solve problems in novel situations involves cognitions such as analogical reasoning and language learning and is considered a keystone of humans' unique abilities. Nonprimates, it has been argued, lack such rule transfer. We report that Rattus norvegicus can learn simple rules and apply them to new situations. Rats learned that sequences of stimuli consistent with a rule (such as XYX) were different from other sequences (such as XXY or YXX). When novel stimuli were used to construct sequences that did or did not obey the previously learned rule, rats transferred their learning. Therefore, rats, like humans, can transfer structural knowledge from sequential experiences.
1 Department of Psychology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK.
2 Department of Education, University of Oxford, 15 Norham Gardens, Oxford OX2 6PY, UK.