近日,美国加州和挪威相继宣布同性婚姻合法,而科学家对同性恋的研究也取得了重要进展。研究表明,同性恋至少部分是遗传的。虽然同性恋者生育的孩子数要远少于异性恋者,但事实表明,所谓的“同性恋基因”(gay genes)能在人群中幸存下去。新研究对此提出了一个令人感兴趣的观点——这些基因能够增加女性的生育力。研究论文6月18日发表在《公共科学图书馆.综合》(PLoS ONE)上。
2004年,意大利帕多瓦大学进化心理学家Andrea Camperio Ciani领导的研究小组报告,和与异性恋男人有亲戚关系的女人相比,与同性恋男人有亲戚关系的女人生育了更多的孩子。差别相当惊人——比如,男同性恋的母亲平均拥有2.7个孩子,而异性恋男人的母亲平均只拥有2.3个。在姨妈(maternal aunts)身上也具有类似的趋势。
在最新的研究中,Camperio Ciani和同事应用数学模型来寻找可以解释这种现象的理论。研究人员考虑了20多种可能性,比如同性恋基因的数量、这些基因产生的生殖优势有多大、这些基因是位于X染色体还是其它常染色体。
结果发现,能够最佳解释上述数据的模型包含2个同性恋基因,其中至少有一个位于X染色体上。这些基因增加了女性的生育力,同时却降低了男性的生育力,这种现象曾在昆虫和哺乳动物中研究过,称为“性别对抗”(sexual antagonism)。
美国国立癌症研究所的行为遗传学家、同性恋基因寻找先锋Dean Hamer认为,这一研究是“一个精致的数学分析。”他表示,此次研究已经提出了一种解决由同性恋造成的达尔文矛盾(Darwinian paradox)的简单方法。他说:“男人体内的‘同性恋基因’就是女人体内的‘超级异性恋基因’”。(科学网 梅进/编译)
Sexually Antagonistic Selection in Human Male Homosexuality
Andrea Camperio Ciani1*, Paolo Cermelli2, Giovanni Zanzotto3
1 Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy2 Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino, Torino, Italy3 Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Scienze Applicate, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy
Several lines of evidence indicate the existence of genetic factors influencing male homosexuality and bisexuality. In spite of its relatively low frequency, the stable permanence in all human populations of this apparently detrimental trait constitutes a puzzling ‘Darwinian paradox’. Furthermore, several studies have pointed out relevant asymmetries in the distribution of both male homosexuality and of female fecundity in the parental lines of homosexual vs. heterosexual males. A number of hypotheses have attempted to give an evolutionary explanation for the long-standing persistence of this trait, and for its asymmetric distribution in family lines; however a satisfactory understanding of the population genetics of male homosexuality is lacking at present. We perform a systematic mathematical analysis of the propagation and equilibrium of the putative genetic factors for male homosexuality in the population, based on the selection equation for one or two diallelic loci and Bayesian statistics for pedigree investigation. We show that only the two-locus genetic model with at least one locus on the X chromosome, and in which gene expression is sexually antagonistic (increasing female fitness but decreasing male fitness), accounts for all known empirical data. Our results help clarify the basic evolutionary dynamics of male homosexuality, establishing this as a clearly ascertained sexually antagonistic human trait.