科学家最初对学名“Mycocepurus smithii”的亚马逊蚂蚁产生兴趣,是因为它们的一项独特本领。据悉,亚马逊蚂蚁能够耕种不同种类的真菌作物以充当食物来源,可谓是自己动手,丰衣足食。
通过进一步观察,科学家对亚马逊蚂蚁的性生活产生疑问,在它们的生活中,也许根本就不存在交配行为。美国亚利桑那州大学的安娜·希姆勒(Anna Himler)表示:“当更进一步对这个物种进行研究时,我们才发现根本找不到雄性的影子。这一发现是在我们以另外一种方式对其进行观察时得出的。”
虽然极为罕见,但昆虫世界的全雌现象并不是闻所未闻,一些黄蜂和蛾也正在自己的种群中将雄性成员“抹除”。英国皇家昆虫学会的彼得·巴纳德(Peter Barnard)表示:“这种方式的优势在于,只需一个雌性便可创造一个新的群体。劣势在于,无法获得与有性繁殖一样的多样性。劣势可能大于优势。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
Proceedings of the Royal Society B April 15, 2009, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0313
No sex in fungus-farming ants or their crops
Anna G. Himler1,*, Eric J. Caldera1, Boris C. Baer2, Hermógenes Fernández-Marín3,4 and Ulrich G. Mueller1,4
Asexual reproduction imposes evolutionary handicaps on asexual species, rendering them prone to extinction, because asexual reproduction generates novel genotypes and purges deleterious mutations at lower rates than sexual reproduction. Here, we report the first case of complete asexuality in ants, the fungus-growing ant Mycocepurus smithii, where queens reproduce asexually but workers are sterile, which is doubly enigmatic because the clonal colonies of M. smithii also depend on clonal fungi for food. Degenerate female mating anatomy, extensive field and laboratory surveys, and DNA fingerprinting implicate complete asexuality in this widespread ant species. Maternally inherited bacteria (e.g. Wolbachia, Cardinium) and the fungal cultivars can be ruled out as agents inducing asexuality. M. smithii societies of clonal females provide a unique system to test theories of parent–offspring conflict and reproductive policing in social insects. Asexuality of both ant farmer and fungal crop challenges traditional views proposing that sexual farmer ants outpace coevolving sexual crop pathogens, and thus compensate for vulnerabilities of their asexual crops. Either the double asexuality of both farmer and crop may permit the host to fully exploit advantages of asexuality for unknown reasons or frequent switching between crops (symbiont reassociation) generates novel ant–fungus combinations, which may compensate for any evolutionary handicaps of asexuality in M. smithii.