脊椎动物外部形态对称,但内部器官呈不对称定位(如人类心脏位于左侧,肝脏位于右侧)。长期以来,胚胎发育早期左-右不对称轴建立的遗传学机制一直是科学家困惑的问题。最新研究表明中线(midline)和囊泡中纤毛的正常发育和功能在调节左-右不对称轴建立中起重要作用,但是否更早期的胚胎发育事件和表观遗传学机制参与这些过程一直未得到清楚的阐明。背侧组织者(dorsal organizer)在早期胚胎发育的“体计划”(body plan)中决定前-后轴和背-腹轴的建立,由于背侧组织者的形成先于中线和囊泡的发育,因而传统观点认为前-后轴和背-腹轴的形成早于左-右轴的建立。
Nature Cell Biology:胚胎发育如何产生左右差别
PNAS January 21, 2010, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0914396107
Setdb2 restricts dorsal organizer territory and regulates left–right asymmetry through suppressing fgf8 activity
Peng-Fei Xua, Kang-Yong Zhub, Yi Jina, Yi Chena, Xiao-Jian Suna, Min Dengb, Sai-Juan Chena,b, Zhu Chena,b,1, and Ting Xi Liu a,b,c,1
aState Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, RuiJin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China;
bKey Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Laboratory of Development and Diseases, Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China; and
cModel Organism Division, E-Institutes of Shanghai Universities, Shanghai 200025, China
Dorsal organizer formation is one of the most critical steps in early embryonic development. Several genes and signaling pathways that positively regulate the dorsal organizer development have been identified; however, little is known about the factor(s) that negatively regulates the organizer formation. Here, we show that Setdb2, a SET domain-containing protein possessing potential histone H3K9 methyltransferase activity, restricts dorsal organizer development and regulates left–right asymmetry by suppressing fibroblast growth factor 8 (fgf8) expression. Knockdown of Setdb2 results in a massive expansion of dorsal organizer markers floating head (flh), goosecoid (gsc), and chordin (chd), as well as a significant increase of fgf8, but not fgf4 mRNAs. Consequently, disrupted midline patterning and resultant randomization of left–right asymmetry are observed in Setdb2-deficient embryos. These characteristic changes induced by Setdb2 deficiency can be nearly corrected by either overexpression of a dominant-negative fgf receptor or knockdown of fgf8, suggesting an essential role for Setdb2–Fgf8 signaling in restricting dorsal organizer territory and regulating left–right asymmetry. These results provide unique evidence that a SET domain-containing protein potentially involved in the epigenetic control negatively regulates dorsal organizer formation during early embryonic development.