生物谷Bioon.com 讯 8月15日,日本研究人员在英国《自然·遗传学》(Nature Genetics)杂志网络版上发表论文说,他们发现了与瘢痕瘤有关的基因。这一发现有可能为开发彻底治疗瘢痕瘤的方法开辟道路。
凝聚社会力量 共抗癌症--生物谷专访中山大学肿瘤防治中心钱朝南研究员
2010细胞治疗研究进展与临床应用前沿研讨会 www.Cell-therapies.net 2010年9月23日-25日天津召开
第一届肿瘤基础和转化医学国际研讨会 www.cancerasia.org 2010年10月12日-10月15日上海召开
Nature Genetics doi:10.1038/ng.645
A genome-wide association study identifies four susceptibility loci for keloid in the Japanese population
Mitsuko Nakashima1, Suyoun Chung1, Atsushi Takahashi2, Naoyuki Kamatani2, Takahisa Kawaguchi3, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda3, Naoya Hosono4, Michiaki Kubo4, Yusuke Nakamura1,5 & Hitoshi Zembutsu1
Keloid is a dermal fibroproliferative growth that results from dysfunction of the wound healing processes. Through a multistage genome-wide association study using 824 individuals with keloid (cases) and 3,205 unaffected controls in the Japanese population, we identified significant associations of keloid with four SNP loci in three chromosomal regions: 1q41, 3q22.3–23 and 15q21.3. The most significant association with keloid was observed at rs873549 (combined P = 5.89 × 10?23, odds ratio (OR) = 1.77) on chromosome 1. Associations on chromosome 3 were observed at two separate linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks: rs1511412 in the LD block including FOXL2 with P = 2.31 × 10?13 (OR = 1.87) and rs940187 in another LD block with P = 1.80 × 10?13 (OR = 1.98). Association of rs8032158 located in NEDD4 on chromosome 15 yielded P = 5.96 × 10?13 (OR = 1.51). Our findings provide new insights into the pathophysiology of keloid formation.