美国圣犹达儿童研究医院的一项研究显示,在学习与记忆脑区的正常发育中,一种名为Prox1的基因扮演关键角色,能确保产生新的颗粒细胞,而颗粒细胞对形成新的记忆是必须的。Prox1基因在人的整个一生都保持活性,且对哺乳动物意义重大。研究首次详细解释了Prox1基因在脑区中的功能,论文发表在8月17日的《公共科学图书馆—生物学》(PLoS Biology)上。
PLoS Biology doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000460
Prox1 Is Required for Granule Cell Maturation and Intermediate Progenitor Maintenance During Brain Neurogenesis
Alfonso Lavado1, Oleg V. Lagutin1, Lionel M. L. Chow2, Suzanne J. Baker2, Guillermo Oliver1*
1 Department of Genetics & Tumor Cell Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, United States of America, 2 Department of Developmental Neurobiology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, United States of America
The dentate gyrus has an important role in learning and memory, and adult neurogenesis in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus may play a role in the acquisition of new memories. The homeobox gene Prox1 is expressed in the dentate gyrus during embryonic development and adult neurogenesis. Here we show that Prox1 is necessary for the maturation of granule cells in the dentate gyrus during development and for the maintenance of intermediate progenitors during adult neurogenesis. We also demonstrate that Prox1-expressing intermediate progenitors are required for adult neural stem cell self-maintenance in the subgranular zone; thus, we have identified a previously unknown non-cell autonomous regulatory feedback mechanism that controls adult neurogenesis in this region of the mammalian brain. Finally, we show that the ectopic expression of Prox1 induces premature differentiation of neural stem cells.