新一期英国《皇家学会学报B》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B)刊登研究报告说,美国科罗拉多大学等机构研究人员给怀孕和哺乳期间的实验鼠提供了不同口味的饮食,其中一组实验鼠的饮食淡而无味,另外两组实验鼠的饮食分别具有较强的樱桃味和薄荷味。研究人员在小鼠断奶时发现,与淡而无味饮食组相比,另外两个饮食组小鼠大脑中处理气味信号的“嗅小球”明显较大,在自己选择食物时,它们表现出与母鼠饮食味道相同的倾向,而那些淡而无味饮食组的小鼠则没有明显偏好。
Proc. R. Soc. B doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.2314
Effects of in utero odorant exposure on neuroanatomical development of the olfactory bulb and odour preferences
Josephine Todrank1,2,*, Giora Heth1,2 and Diego Restrepo1
Human babies and other young mammals prefer food odours and flavours of their mother's diet during pregnancy as well as their mother's individually distinctive odour. Newborn mice also prefer the individual odours of more closely related—even unfamiliar—lactating females. If exposure to in utero odorants—which include metabolites from the mother's diet and the foetus's genetically determined individual odour—helps shape the neuroanatomical development of the olfactory bulb, this could influence the perception of such biologically important odours that are preferred after birth. We exposed gene-targeted mice during gestation and nursing to odorants that activate GFP-tagged olfactory receptors (ORs) and then measured the effects on the size of tagged glomeruli in the olfactory bulb where axons from olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) coalesce by OR type. We found significantly larger tagged glomeruli in mice exposed to these activating odorants in amniotic fluid, and later in mother's milk, as well as significant preferences for the activating odour. Larger glomeruli comprising OSNs that respond to consistently encountered odorants should enhance detection and discrimination of these subsequently preferred odours, which in nature would facilitate selection of palatable foods and kin recognition, through similarities in individual odours of relatives.