中山大学生命科学学院贺雄雷教授带领的研究小组日前在国际顶尖学术期刊Nature Genetics 上发表论文指出哺乳动物中单条X染色体的总体表达量约为两条常染色体总表达量的一半,而不是之前认为的与两条常染色体的总表达量相当,由此颠覆了国际上著名的关于性染色体演化的Ohno假说。
同时,这也是首例基于基因芯片技术的重要生物学结论被基于 RNA-Seq 技术的数据所否定。有人指出,考虑到基因芯片技术在过去十几年里应用的广泛程度,该发现意味着利用这一传统研究方式获得成果将存在着被动摇的可能性,对整个领域是一个重要警示。
研究论文自2010年12月在国际顶尖学术期刊 Nature Genetics (《自然 - 遗传学》影响因子 34.284 )上发表后,迅速被 Science Nature Reviews Genetics等其它顶级学术期刊报导。论文第一完成单位为中山大学,生科院 2006 级生物信息学博士生熊远妍、 2008 级生化与分子生物学博士生陈小舒为论文的共同第一作者,美国密歇根大学张建之教授为此项工作的主要合作者。 (生物谷Bioon.com)
Nature Genetics doi:10.1038/ng.711
RNA sequencing shows no dosage compensation of the active X-chromosome
Yuanyan Xiong,Xiaoshu Chen,Zhidong Chen,Xunzhang Wang,Suhua Shi,Xueqin Wang,Jianzhi Zhang& Xionglei He
Mammalian cells from both sexes typically contain one active X chromosome but two sets of autosomes. It has previously been hypothesized that X-linked genes are expressed at twice the level of autosomal genes per active allele to balance the gene dose between the X chromosome and autosomes (termed 'Ohno's hypothesis'). This hypothesis was supported by the observation that microarray-based gene expression levels were indistinguishable between one X chromosome and two autosomes (the X to two autosomes ratio (X:AA) ~1). Here we show that RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) is more sensitive than microarray and that RNA-Seq data reveal an X:AA ratio of ~0.5 in human and mouse. In Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites, the X:AA ratio reduces progressively from ~1 in larvae to ~0.5 in adults. Proteomic data are consistent with the RNA-Seq results and further suggest the lack of X upregulation at the protein level. Together, our findings reject Ohno's hypothesis, necessitating a major revision of the current model of dosage compensation in the evolution of sex chromosomes.