华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室水稻团队在分子演化领域研究中取得了可喜进展,使用相关研究成果,可以方便专注于功能基因研究专家对演化模型的使用。研究结果以“A dynamic programming procedure for searching optimal models to estimate substitution rates based on the maximum-likelihood method”为题,于4月26日在线发表在美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上。文章通讯作者为我校客座教授龙漫远老师和我校生科院张启发老师,第一作者为生科院博士研究生章成君。
PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1018621108
Dynamic programming procedure for searching optimal models to estimate substitution rates based on the maximum-likelihood method
Chengjun Zhanga, Jia Wanga, Weibo Xiea, Gang Zhoua, Manyuan Longb,1, and Qifa Zhanga,1
The substitution rate in a gene can provide valuable information for understanding its functionality and evolution. A widely used method to estimate substitution rates is the maximum-likelihood method implemented in the CODEML program in the PAML package. A limited number of branch models, chosen based on a priori information or an interest in a particular lineage(s), are tested, whereas a large number of potential models are neglected. A complementary approach is also needed to test all or a large number of possible models to search for the globally optional model(s) of maximum likelihood. However, the computational time for this search even in a small number of sequences becomes impractically long. Thus, it is desirable to explore the most probable spaces to search for the optimal models. Using dynamic programming techniques, we developed a simple computational method for searching the most probable optimal branch-specific models in a practically feasible computational time. We propose three search methods to find the optimal models, which explored O(n) (method 1) to O(n2) (method 2 and method 3) models when the given phylogeny has n branches. In addition, we derived a formula to calculate the number of all possible models, revealing the complexity of finding the optimal branch-specific model. We show that in a reanalysis of over 50 previously published studies, the vast majority obtained better models with significantly higher likelihoods than the conventional hypothesis model methods.