2011年4月,Marine Biotechnology刊登了中科院水生生物研究所鱼类基因工程学科组与北京大学生命科学院合作的封面研究论文:Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin (VHb) Overexpression Increases Hypoxia Tolerance in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)。
该文报道了转透明颤菌血红蛋白 (VHb) 提高斑马鱼的低氧耐受能力的研究。采用显微操作技术将VHb基因转移到斑马鱼受精卵获得转基因斑马鱼,经过144-156小时的低氧(0.91 mg/l)胁迫后,发现转VHb基因斑马鱼的生存率显著高于对照鱼。该文同时研究了转VHb基因鱼耐受低氧胁迫的机制,表明通过转VHb基因有望研制具有低氧耐受能力的养殖鱼类新品种。
Marine Biotechnology Volume 13, Number 2, 336-344, DOI: 10.1007/s10126-010-9305-z
Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin (VHb) Overexpression Increases Hypoxia Tolerance in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Bo Guan, Hong Ma, Yaping Wang, Yuanlei Hu, Zhongping Lin, Zuoyan Zhu and Wei Hu
Aquaculture farming may benefit from genetically engineering fish to tolerate environmental stress. Here, we used the vector pCVCG expressing the Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (vhb) gene driven by the common carp β-actin promoter to create stable transgenic zebrafish. The survival rate of the 7-day-old F2 transgenic fish was significantly greater than that of the sibling controls under 2.5% O2 (dissolved oxygen (DO), 0.91 mg/l). Meanwhile, we investigated the relative expression levels of several marker genes (hypoxia-inducible factor alpha 1, heat shock cognate 70-kDa protein, erythropoietin, beta and alpha globin genes, lactate dehydrogenase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase) of transgenic fish and siblings after hypoxia exposure for 156 h. The expression profiles of the vhb transgenic zebrafish revealed that VHb could partially alleviate the hypoxia stress response to improve the survival rate of the fish. These results suggest that that vhb gene may be an efficient candidate for genetically modifying hypoxia tolerance in fish.
Keywords Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (VHb) – Hypoxia – Zebrafish (Danio rerio) – Transgenic fish