最近,瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学和洛桑大学合作,使用机器人模拟生物基因在数百代间的进化,阐明了生物学界持久争论的难题,也为汉米尔顿亲缘选择规则提供了数量证据。该研究将于下周发表在开放杂志《科学公共图书馆—生物学》(PLoS Biology)上。
PLoS Biol 9(5): e1000615. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000615
A Quantitative Test of Hamilton's Rule for the Evolution of Altruism
Markus Waibel1*, Dario Floreano1, Laurent Keller2*
1 Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, School of Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Department of Ecology and Evolution, Biophore, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
The evolution of altruism is a fundamental and enduring puzzle in biology. In a seminal paper Hamilton showed that altruism can be selected for when rb ? c>0, where c is the fitness cost to the altruist, b is the fitness benefit to the beneficiary, and r is their genetic relatedness. While many studies have provided qualitative support for Hamilton's rule, quantitative tests have not yet been possible due to the difficulty of quantifying the costs and benefits of helping acts. Here we use a simulated system of foraging robots to experimentally manipulate the costs and benefits of helping and determine the conditions under which altruism evolves. By conducting experimental evolution over hundreds of generations of selection in populations with different c/b ratios, we show that Hamilton's rule always accurately predicts the minimum relatedness necessary for altruism to evolve. This high accuracy is remarkable given the presence of pleiotropic and epistatic effects as well as mutations with strong effects on behavior and fitness (effects not directly taken into account in Hamilton's original 1964 rule). In addition to providing the first quantitative test of Hamilton's rule in a system with a complex mapping between genotype and phenotype, these experiments demonstrate the wide applicability of kin selection theory.