2012年1月12日,The Lancet杂志在线发表了一项最新研究指出,在不考虑年龄的情况下,在体外受精(IVF)过程中双胚胎移植可比单胚胎移植获得更高的活胎出生率。
研究者对2003年1月至2007年12月之间参加随机对照试验的个体数据进行了分析,所有资料取自英国人工受精与胚胎管理局。该数据库包含124,148名进入IVF周期的女性,活胎分娩为33,514例。研究者在年龄为40岁及其上下的女性中分别比较了活胎出生率、多胎生育率、低出生体重率(< 2.5 kg)、早产率(< 37周妊娠)和严重早产率(< 33周妊娠)。
在双胚胎移植的体外受精(IVF)过程中,与年龄小于40岁女性相比,年龄大于或等于40岁的活胎生产比值比较高(前者为2.33 [95% CI,2.20-2.46],交互作用P值为0.0006,后者为3.12 [95% 可信区间(CI),2.56-3.77])。
在双胚胎移植(ET)过程中,与低龄女性相比,高龄者的活胎生产绝对风险差值较小(40岁以上者为0.090,95% CI,0.080-0.099;40岁以下者为0.156,95% CI,0.148-0.163,P < 0.0001);且高龄女性中多胎分娩、低出生体重和早产等围产期并发症的绝对风险和比值较低。
三胚胎移植时,低龄女性组活胎出生率降低(三胚胎与单胚胎移植比值为0.120,95% CI,0.100-0.140);高龄女性组活胎出生率也并未增加。同时,低年龄组和高年龄组的围产期并发症发生风险均升高。
本文作者为来自英国布里斯托大学的Debbie Lawlor博士和来自英国格拉斯哥大学医院部的Scott Nelson博士。作者表示:“根据某些机构的推荐意见,胚胎移植数目应当受到限制。但在美国和欧洲分别有40%和21% IVF女性接受了至少三个胚胎移植。在IVF治疗过程中,20%-30%女性为双胎或多胎妊娠。”作者调整了母亲年龄、不孕时间、产科或不孕治疗史、不孕原因、激素刺激、治疗周期数目、以及是否应用胞浆内精子注射等因素后进行了多变量分析。
来自特隆赫姆市圣奥拉夫大学医院和挪威科技大学Liv Bente Romunstad博士在其撰写的同期社论中表示:“本文具有重要意义,有确凿的证据表明于任何年龄的女性而言,在每个治疗周期内的胚胎转移的数目不应超过两个。”
他在结论中写到:“某些患者因内科或产科原因而具有双胎妊娠禁忌症,故不应接受超过单个的胚胎移植。但这些患者在IVF过程中到底应接受单胚胎还是双胚胎移植,其最终决策还应由胚胎科医师和临床医师协作制定。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Prof Debbie A Lawlor , Prof Scott M Nelson
Elective single-embryo transfer has been proposed as a strategy to reduce the risk of multiple birth and adverse pregnancy outcomes after in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). Whether this approach should be restricted to young women is unclear.
In a prospective study of UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority data, we investigated whether perinatal livebirth outcomes varied by the number of embryos transferred in relation to maternal age. We compared rates of livebirth, multiple births, low birthweight (<2·5 kg), preterm birth (<37 weeks), and severe preterm birth (<33 weeks) in women younger than 40 years and those aged 40 years or older. We used logistic and binomial regression methods to assess, respectively, relative risk and absolute differences in risk.
We assessed 124 148 IVF cycles overall, which yielded 33 514 livebirths. The odds ratios of livebirth were higher in women aged 40 years or older than in those younger than 40 years when two embryos were transferred compared with one embryo (3·12, 95% CI 2·56—3·77 vs 2·33, 2·20—2·46; p=0·0006 for interaction), but the absolute difference in risk of livebirth was smaller (0·090, 0·080—0·099 for women ≥40 years vs 0·156, 0·148—0·163 for those <40 years; p<0·0001). The odds ratios and absolute risk differences for multiple birth, preterm birth, and low birthweight were all smaller in older than in younger women (analyses were done in 32 732 cycles in which a livebirth had resulted and data on gestational age and birthweight were complete). Livebirth rates did not increase with transfer of three embryos, but the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes did increase.
Transfer of three or more embryos at any age should be avoided. The decision to transfer one or two embryos should be based on prognostic indicators, such as age.