这项新研究发现基因KIF11突变与一种罕见疾病头小畸形-淋巴水肿-脉络膜视网膜发育异常(Microcephaly-Lymphoedema-Chorioretinal Dyplasia, MLCRD)存在关联。患这种疾病的病人头小(microcephaly)、淋巴水肿(lymphoedema,它是由淋巴系统问题导致的肢体肿胀)和经常导致夜盲症的称作脉络膜视网膜病(chorioretinopathy)的眼睛问题。淋巴系统是身体至关重要的一部分,在排泄液体和阻止肿胀上发挥着重要作用。
该研究是由英国伦敦大学的St George研究小组领导的,并于2012年1月26日在线发表在The American Journal of Human Genetics期刊上。
研究小组起初是在英国唯一的专业性原发淋巴水肿诊所(specialist primary lymphoedema clinic)中招募的5名患MLCRD病人身上使用下一代人基因组测序技术。利用这种新技术,研究小组鉴定出一种候选基因,然后利用传统测序技术在24名其他病人和他们的家人身上证实了这种基因。
论文第一作者Pia Ostergaard博士说,“与MLCRD相关联的头小和眼睛问题在出生时就存在,迄今为止尚没有治疗方法。这些发现将增加我们对MLCRD遗传原因的理解和可能有助于发现阻止它的一种方法。头小是一种罕见的症状,但是跟儿童学习障碍存在关联。”
她补充道,“淋巴系统不只是在排泄液体和阻止肿胀上发挥着重要作用。它在维持免疫系统中也发挥着关键着作用而且它与癌症扩散相关联,因此我们持续进行这一领域的研究有可能在其他科学家理解淋巴系统其他问题方面起着关键性作用。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
Mutations in KIF11 Cause Autosomal-Dominant Microcephaly Variably Associated with Congenital Lymphedema and Chorioretinopathy
Pia Ostergaard1, Michael A. Simpson2, Antonella Mendola3, Pradeep Vasudevan4, Fiona C. Connell5, Andreas van Impel6, Anthony T. Moore7, Bart L. Loeys8, Arash Ghalamkarpour3, Alexandros Onoufriadis2, Ines Martinez-Corral9, Sophie Devery10, Jules G. Leroy11, Lut van Laer8, Amihood Singer12, Martin G. Bialer13, Meriel McEntagart14, Oliver Quarrell15, Glen Brice14, Richard C. Trembath2, Stefan Schulte-Merker6, Taija Makinen9, Miikka Vikkula3, 16, Peter S. Mortimer17, Sahar Mansour14, Steve Jeffery
We have identified KIF11 mutations in individuals with syndromic autosomal-dominant microcephaly associated with lymphedema and/or chorioretinopathy. Initial whole-exome sequencing revealed heterozygous KIF11 mutations in three individuals with a combination of microcephaly and lymphedema from a microcephaly-lymphedema-chorioretinal-dysplasia cohort. Subsequent Sanger sequencing of KIF11 in a further 15 unrelated microcephalic probands with lymphedema and/or chorioretinopathy identified additional heterozygous mutations in 12 of them. KIF11 encodes EG5, a homotetramer kinesin motor. The variety of mutations we have found (two nonsense, two splice site, four missense, and six indels causing frameshifts) are all predicted to have an impact on protein function. EG5 has previously been shown to play a role in spindle assembly and function, and these findings highlight the critical role of proteins necessary for spindle formation in CNS development. Moreover, identification of KIF11 mutations in patients with chorioretinopathy and lymphedema suggests that EG5 is involved in the development and maintenance of retinal and lymphatic structures.