美国耶鲁大学研究人员发现“基因组护卫者(guardian of the genome)”如何在精子产生过程中和可能也在很多其他细胞中进行质量控制。2012年2月16日,这项研究在线发表在《细胞》子刊Current Biology期刊上,从而为开发出新的节育和不育治疗方法提供可能,甚至为开发出对抗很多癌症类型的新方法提供启示。
耶鲁大学干细胞研究中心主任和这篇论文的通讯作者林海帆(Haifan Lin)教授说,通过研究小鼠精子产生,“我们鉴定出p53的新上司,它控制p53的方式科学家们以前假设过但是没有在任何一种动物中得到证实。”
林海帆教授领导的耶鲁大学研究小组在参与很多细胞过程的1500多种microRNA分子中发现一种称作Pumilo 1的调节物,它控制精子产生中与p53相互作用的8种蛋白。当小鼠Pumilo 1缺失时,精子产生能力和生育力下降,因为p53过于活跃而下令摧毁太多的精子。林教授注意到,这一机制可能在男性生育力上发挥着关键性作用,但是它可能也参与很多生物过程,毕竟保护DNA对生命而言是最为重要的。
林教授说,“这是一种非常重要的允许坏细胞而不是好细胞被杀死的把关机制。这种过程可能也在其他组织如癌症中发挥着作用。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
Pumilio 1 Suppresses Multiple Activators of p53 to Safeguard Spermatogenesis
Dong Chen, Wei Zheng, Aiping Lin, Katherine Uyhazi, Hongyu Zhao, Haifan Lin
During spermatogenesis, germ cells initially expand exponentially through mitoses. A majority of these cells are then eliminated through p53-mediated apoptosis to maintain germline homeostasis. However, the activity of p53 must be precisely modulated, especially suppressed in postmitotic spermatogenic cells, to guarantee robustness of spermatogenesis. Currently, how the suppression is achieved is not understood. Here, we show that Pumilio 1, a posttranscriptional regulator, binds to mRNAs representing 1,527 genes, with significant enrichment for mRNAs involved in pathways regulating p53, cell cycle, and MAPK signaling. In particular, eight mRNAs encoding activators of p53 are repressed by Pumilio 1. Deleting Pumilio 1 results in strong activation of p53 and apoptosis mostly in spermatocytes, which disrupts sperm production and fertility. Removing p53 reduces apoptosis and rescues testicular hypotrophy in Pumilio 1 null mice. These results indicate that key components of the p53 pathway are coordinately regulated by Pumilio 1 at the posttranscriptional level, which may exemplify an RNA operon.