他说,每个人都是从这个阶段发育过来的,如果能够通过观察胚胎发育探清器官如何形成的奥秘,将有助于再生医学上模拟再现器官形成的过程,用于治疗疾病。此外这项成果还可能有助改善人工受孕技术。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Dynamics of anterior–posterior axis formation in the developing mouse embryo
Samantha A. Morris,Seema Grewal,, Florencia Barrios,Sameer N. Patankar, Bernhard Strauss, Lee Buttery, Morgan Alexander, Kevin M. Shakesheff & Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz
The development of an anterior–posterior (AP) polarity is a crucial process that in the mouse has been very difficult to analyse, because it takes place as the embryo implants within the mother. To overcome this obstacle, we have established an in-vitro culture system that allows us to follow the step-wise development of anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), critical for establishing AP polarity. Here we use this system to show that the AVE originates in the implanting blastocyst, but that additional cells subsequently acquire AVE characteristics. These 'older' and 'younger' AVE domains coalesce as the egg cylinder emerges from the blastocyst structure. Importantly, we show that AVE migration is led by cells expressing the highest levels of AVE marker, highlighting that asymmetry within the AVE domain dictates the direction of its migration. Ablation of such leading cells prevents AVE migration, suggesting that these cells are important for correct establishment of the AP axis.