3月2日,《科学》杂志上的一项研究成果表明,根据英国圣安德鲁斯大学的生物学家L. G. Dean和同事发现,这其中的一个原因便是孩子们能够互相帮助。
在这项研究中,8组3到4岁的儿童、8组黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes),以及1组卷尾猴(Cebus apella)被给予了一些智力训练箱,这些箱子要经过3个不同的步骤才能够打开,从而得到最终的奖励。
研究人员指出,这些发现可帮助解释为什么随着时间的推移,人类在积累文化知识方面的能力是如此的独特。尽管其他动物也会相互学习,但只有人类的文化才会一代又一代地变得越来越复杂。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Identification of the Social and Cognitive Processes Underlying Human Cumulative Culture
Dean, L. G.; Kendal, R. L.; Schapiro, S. J.; Thierry, B.; Laland, K. N.
The remarkable ecological and demographic success of humanity is largely attributed to our capacity for cumulative culture,with knowledge and technology accumulating over time, yet the social and cognitive capabilities that have enabled cumulativeculture remain unclear. In a comparative study of sequential problem solving, we provided groups of capuchin monkeys, chimpanzees,and children with an experimental puzzlebox that could be solved in three stages to retrieve rewards of increasing desirability.The success of the children, but not of the chimpanzees or capuchins, in reaching higher-level solutions was strongly associatedwith a package of sociocognitive processes—including teaching through verbal instruction, imitation, and prosociality—thatwere observed only in the children and covaried with performance.