4月13日,国际著名杂志《细胞》Cell上刊登了美国加州大学戴维斯分校的研究人员的最新研究成果“Delineation of Joint Molecule Resolution Pathways in Meiosis Identifies a Crossover-Specific Resolvase,”,在文章中,科研人员发现了帮助精子和卵子各自准确地发育出23条染色体的一个关键工具。这项研究可能为生育力、自然流产、癌症和发育疾病提供见解。
加州大学戴维斯分校微生物学教授、这项新研究的资深作者Neil Hunter说,在减数分裂产生精子和卵子的细胞分裂过程期间,对应的染色体会配对,并且通过相互“交换”而连接起来。
Hunter、研究生Kseniya Zakharyevich、 Shangming Tang以及研究人员Yunmei Ma寻找了可能在酵母中切断DNA从而形成交换的酶。酵母形成有性别的配子——或称为孢子——的方式非常类似于人类和其他哺乳动物形成精子或卵子。
然后他们发现了用于交换的失落的工具:三种酵母酶Mlh1、Mlh3和 Sgs1。它们联合起来工作,从而切断DNA并进行交换。
结果发现,人类的这三种酶的类似物在抑制肿瘤方面起到了众所周知的作用。在一种遗传性结肠癌中,人类的MLH1 和MLH3发生了突变。而BLM,这种在人类中的Sgs1的等价物,在一种称为Bloom综合征的易发癌症的疾病中发生了突变。
Delineation of Joint Molecule Resolution Pathways in Meiosis Identifies a Crossover-Specific Resolvase
Kseniya Zakharyevich, Shangming Tang, Yunmei Ma, Neil Hunter
At the final step of homologous recombination, Holliday junction-containing joint molecules (JMs) are resolved to form crossover or noncrossover products. The enzymes responsible for JM resolution in vivo remain uncertain, but three distinct endonucleases capable of resolving JMs in vitro have been identified: Mus81-Mms4(EME1), Slx1-Slx4(BTBD12), and Yen1(GEN1). Using physical monitoring of recombination during budding yeast meiosis, we show that all three endonucleases are capable of promoting JM resolution in vivo. However, in mms4 slx4 yen1 triple mutants, JM resolution and crossing over occur efficiently. Paradoxically, crossing over in this background is strongly dependent on the Blooms helicase ortholog Sgs1, a component of a well-characterized anticrossover activity. Sgs1-dependent crossing over, but not JM resolution per se, also requires XPG family nuclease Exo1 and the MutL complex Mlh1-Mlh3. Thus, Sgs1, Exo1, and MutL together define a previously undescribed meiotic JM resolution pathway that produces the majority of crossovers in budding yeast and, by inference, in mammals.