涡虫(planarian)拥有非常强的再生任何身体缺失部分的能力,因而被人们大量地研究。不过,如今,它们也可能作为研究包括人类在内的脊椎动物眼睛发育和眼睛疾病的模式系统。2012年8月2日,这项关于涡虫眼睛中有活性的基因详细目录的研究发表在《细胞》期刊子刊Cell Reports上。
为了构建在涡虫眼睛中表现出活性加强的基因列表,Peter Reddien实验室的研究生Sylvain Lapan分析了2000多个涡虫眼睛。Lapan和Reddien发现600个有活性的基因,并且更加详细地研究了其中200个基因,而且他们鉴定出的基因当中有几个基因已知在脊椎动物眼睛中发挥着作用,但是没有在果蝇眼睛中发现过。在这些基因当中,有一些基因参与眼睛发育,其他基因与眼睛相关的黄斑变性(macular degeneration)和亚瑟综合症(Usher syndrome)相关联。
本文编译自Planarians offer a better view of eye development
doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.06.018
Transcriptome Analysis of the Planarian Eye Identifies ovo as a Specific Regulator of Eye Regeneration
Sylvain W. Lapan, Peter W. Reddien
Among the millions of invertebrate species with visual systems, the genetic basis of eye development and function is well understood only in Drosophila melanogaster. We describe an eye transcriptome for the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Planarian photoreceptors expressed orthologs of genes required for phototransduction and microvillus structure in Drosophila and vertebrates, and optic pigment cells expressed solute transporters and melanin synthesis enzymes similar to those active in the vertebrate retinal pigment epithelium. Orthologs of several planarian eye genes, such as bestrophin-1 and Usher syndrome genes, cause eye defects in mammals when perturbed and were not previously described to have roles in invertebrate eyes. Five previously undescribed planarian eye transcription factors were required for normal eye formation during head regeneration. In particular, a conserved, transcription-factor-encoding ovo gene was expressed from the earliest stages of eye regeneration and was required for regeneration of all cell types of the eye.