两项相互矛盾的研究之间存在的技术差异,使得人们很难估计iPSCs是否真的可以避免免疫攻击。但加州大学戴维斯分校的细胞生物学家Paul Knoepfler(未参与两项研究)认为,新研究结果是“非常令人鼓舞的。它们强有力地表明,未来将人类iPSC治疗回输给同一患者,或许不会引发临床显着的免疫反应。”
2006年,来自日本京都大学和Gladstone研究所的山中伸弥(Shinya Yamanaka)首次生成了iPSCs,因这一成果他获得了2012年的诺贝尔医学奖。利用他的技术,可以将成体细胞逆转至干细胞样状态,为培育定制组织提供了一种有前景的方法,且避开了获取人类胚胎干细胞(ESCs)的伦理学难题。由于iPSCs来自患者自身组织,将它们移植回相同个体,应该有可能不会引发免疫反应。
然而在2011年,来自加州大学圣地亚哥分校的徐洋(Yang Xu)教授却驳斥了这一假设。他的研究小组利用一种小鼠皮肤细胞生成了iPSCs,将其移植到基因相同的小鼠体内。以这种方式移植的ESCs形成了畸胎瘤,证实其确实具有多能性。但徐洋的iPSCs却无法形成畸胎瘤,因为它们受到了小鼠白细胞的攻击,遭到了排斥。
这一研究引起了人们对于iPSCs医学应用的担忧,但来自日本国立放射学研究所的Masumi Abe则对此不太相信。首先,他的研究小组用更多的iPSCs和ESCs细胞系重复了相同的实验,证实当移植到基因相同的小鼠体内时,两者同样能够形成畸胎瘤,并没有免疫排斥迹象。
Abe还认为,将焦点放在畸胎瘤上是一种完全错误的做法。“鉴于畸胎瘤是一类肿瘤,它们会引发免疫反应,这并不令人感到惊讶,”他说。并且它们也与临床无关。在临床应用中,移植前iPSCs 会首先被转化成其他的细胞类型。Abe认为评估那些分化细胞更为重要。
牛津大学干细胞研究所联合主任Paul Fairchild认为,这一差异或可解释Abe和徐洋两者研究相互矛盾的结果。徐洋研究组认为,成体细胞去分化为iPSCs促进了两种基因Zg16和Hormad1表达,它们是免疫系统的靶标。但在Abe的嵌合小鼠中,研究小组未发现这种增高现象。
“通过生成iPSC源性小鼠,Abe研究小组可能无意地绕开了这一免疫排斥问题,因为相比体外认为条件下进行分化,在正常小鼠发育过程中更有可能适当发生这些基因沉默,” Fairchild说。由于人类iPSCs必须是在人为条件下转化为其他细胞,他补充说:“我认为,iPSC分化产物是否将会有免疫原性,其争议还将持续。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
Negligible immunogenicity of terminally differentiated cells derived from induced pluripotent or embryonic stem cells
Ryoko Araki, Masahiro Uda, Yuko Hoki, Misato Sunayama, Miki Nakamura, Shunsuke Ando,Mayumi Sugiura, Hisashi Ideno, Akemi Shimada, Akira Nifuji & Masumi Abe
The advantages of using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) instead of embryonic stem (ES) cells in regenerative medicine centre around circumventing concerns about the ethics of using ES cells and the likelihood of immune rejection of ES-cell-derived tissues1, 2. However, partial reprogramming and genetic instabilities in iPSCs3, 4, 5, 6 could elicit immune responses in transplant recipients even when iPSC-derived differentiated cells are transplanted. iPSCs are first differentiated into specific types of cells in vitro for subsequent transplantation. Although model transplantation experiments have been conducted using various iPSC-derived differentiated tissues7, 8, 9, 10 and immune rejections have not been observed, careful investigation of the immunogenicity of iPSC-derived tissue is becoming increasingly critical, especially as this has not been the focus of most studies done so far. A recent study reported immunogenicity of iPSC- but not ES-cell-derived teratomas11 and implicated several causative genes. Nevertheless, some controversy has arisen regarding these findings12. Here we examine the immunogenicity of differentiated skin and bone marrow tissues derived from mouse iPSCs. To ensure optimal comparison of iPSCs and ES cells, we established ten integration-free iPSC and seven ES-cell lines using an inbred mouse strain, C57BL/6. We observed no differences in the rate of success of transplantation when skin and bone marrow cells derived from iPSCs were compared with ES-cell-derived tissues. Moreover, we observed limited or no immune responses, including T-cell infiltration, for tissues derived from either iPSCs or ES cells, and no increase in the expression of the immunogenicity-causing Zg16 and Hormad1 genes in regressing skin and teratoma tissues. Our findings suggest limited immunogenicity of transplanted cells differentiated from iPSCs and ES cells.