2013年6月6日,北京生命科学研究所朱冰实验室在《PLOS Genetics》杂志上在线发表题为“H3.3-H4 tetramer splitting events feature cell-type specific enhancers”的文章。这篇文章首次报道了组蛋白H3.3-H4四聚体拆分事件的全基因组分布情况,并发现H3.3-H4四聚体拆分事件富集于增强子。
组蛋白H3-H4四聚体是核小体的核心组成部分,该四聚体在DNA复制中的分配模式是组蛋白修饰继承性研究的基本问题。朱冰实验室徐墨等人结合定量质谱技术与传统生物化学手段,在数年前澄清了四聚体分配方式这一长期争论的问题(Xu et al., Science. 2010)。该工作发现常规组蛋白四聚体通过全保留方式进行分配,并意外地发现一部分含组蛋白变体H3.3的H3-H4四聚体会发生拆分事件,产生含一分子“新”H3.3和一分子“旧”H3.3的混合型核小体。H3.3-H4四聚体的拆分事件是一个全新的发现,其机理和功能意义均未知。
H3.3-H4 Tetramer Splitting Events Feature Cell-Type Specific Enhancers
Huang C, Zhang Z, Xu M, Li Y, Li Z, et al
Previously, we reported that little canonical (H3.1–H4)2 tetramers split to form “hybrid” tetramers consisted of old and new H3.1–H4 dimers, but approximately 10% of (H3.3–H4)2 tetramers split during each cell cycle. In this report, we mapped the H3.3 nucleosome occupancy, the H3.3 nucleosome turnover rate and H3.3 nucleosome splitting events at the genome-wide level. Interestingly, H3.3 nucleosome turnover rate at the transcription starting sites (TSS) of genes with different expression levels display a bimodal distribution rather than a linear correlation towards the transcriptional activity, suggesting genes are either active with high H3.3 nucleosome turnover or inactive with low H3.3 nucleosome turnover. H3.3 nucleosome splitting events are enriched at active genes, which are in fact better markers for active transcription than H3.3 nucleosome occupancy itself. Although both H3.3 nucleosome turnover and splitting events are enriched at active genes, these events only display a moderate positive correlation, suggesting H3.3 nucleosome splitting events are not the mere consequence of H3.3 nucleosome turnover. Surprisingly, H3.3 nucleosomes with high splitting index are remarkably enriched at enhancers in a cell-type specific manner. We propose that the H3.3 nucleosomes at enhancers may be split by an active mechanism to regulate cell-type specific transcription.