Weak inhibition within visual cortex early in life prevents experience-dependent plasticity. Loss of responsiveness to an eye deprived of vision can be initiated prematurely by enhancing -aminobutyric acid (GABA)–mediated transmission with benzodiazepines. Here, we use a mouse "knockin" mutation to subunits that renders individual GABA type A (GABAA) receptors insensitive to diazepam to show that a particular inhibitory network controls expression of the critical period. Only 1-containing circuits were found to drive cortical plasticity, whereas 2-enriched connections separately regulated neuronal firing. This dissociation carries implications for models of brain development and the safe design of benzodiazepines for use in infants.
Original articles:
Columnar Architecture Sculpted by GABA Circuits in Developing Cat Visual Cortex. Takao K. Hensch and Michael P. Stryker.Science 12 March 2004: 1678-1681. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supporting Online Material]
Specific GABAA Circuits for Visual Cortical Plasticity.Michela Fagiolini, Jean-Marc Fritschy, Karin Löw, Hanns Möhler, Uwe Rudolph, and Takao K. Hensch
Science 12 March 2004: 1681-1683. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supporting Online Material]
Blocking Plasticity in the Visual Cortex.David Ferster
Science 2004 303: 1619-1621. (in Perspectives) [Summary] [Full Text]
Columnar Architecture Sculpted by GABA Circuits in Developing Cat Visual Cortex.Takao K. Hensch and Michael P. Stryker
Science 2004 303: 1678-1681. (in Reports) [Abstract] [Full Text]