Monitoring intent. Electrodes implanted in the parietal reach region tap into neurons that determine the direction in which a monkey is planning to reach.
在收集有关目标的信息的同时,研究人员还记录了猴子的对奖赏的选择。当猴子知道对要求动作进行精确思考会获得它喜爱的奖赏时,它们的光标定位思考会更精确。Richard Andersen指出,瘫痪病人的类似的目标和喜好信息也许同样可以利用。他认为,基于这类研究的未来技术能够让瘫痪病人的目标指导思考和喜好通过聪明机器得以实现。
Cognitive Control Signals for Neural Prosthetics
Recent development of neural prosthetics for assisting paralyzed patients has focused on decoding intended hand trajectories from motor cortical neurons and using this signal to control external devices. In this study, higher level signals related to the goals of movements were decoded from three monkeys and used to position cursors on a computer screen without the animals emitting any behavior. Their performance in this task improved over a period of weeks. Expected value signals related to fluid preference, the expected magnitude, or probability of reward were decoded simultaneously with the intended goal. For neural prosthetic applications, the goal signals can be used to operate computers, robots, and vehicles, whereas the expected value signals can be used to continuously monitor a paralyzed patient's preferences and motivation