脑神经复杂的信息传导有赖神经细胞的特殊结构,神经细胞通常有两种结构 接收讯号的树突、发送讯号的轴突。他们的研究揭示了神经细胞的这两个基本极性是如何形成的,GSK蛋白激酶在发育过程中的分布有极性,在轴突中的活性比树突中要低。如果其活性太高,神经细胞会没有轴突,太低则会把树突变成轴突。它的活性由上游分子来调控,多个分子形成通路,控制着神经细胞的极性。还发现,确定神经细胞极性的GSK还维持着极性。如果用药物改变GSK活性,就可以把树突变成轴突。这表明,可以通过药物来增加轴突数量,这可能成为神经元损伤修复和退行性神经系统疾病治疗的新突破口。
Axon-dendrite polarity is a cardinal feature of neuronal morphology essential for information flow. Here we report a differential distribution of GSK-3 activity in the axon versus the dendrites. A constitutively active GSK-3 mutant inhibited axon formation, whereas multiple axons formed from a single neuron when GSK-3 activity was reduced by pharmacological inhibitors, a peptide inhibitor, or siRNAs. An active mechanism for maintaining neuronal polarity was revealed by the conversion of preexisting dendrites into axons upon GSK-3 inhibition. Biochemical and functional data show that the Akt kinase and the PTEN phosphatase are upstream of GSK-3 in determining neuronal polarity. Our results demonstrate that there are active mechanisms for maintaining as well as establishing neuronal polarity, indicate that GSK-3 relays signaling from Akt and PTEN to play critical roles in neuronal polarity, and suggest that application of GSK-3 inhibitors can be a novel approach to promote generation of new axons after neural injuries.
蒲慕明博士简介 href="http://www.bioon.com/biology/talent/chinese/200411/83869.html" target=_blank>蒲慕明博士简介
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