Watching brain waves could quantify libido
Monitoring the change in specific brain waves could be the first quantitative method for measuring libido, new research suggests.
The technique measures attention, rather than sexual desire specifically, but Yoram Vardi, at Rambam Hospital and the Technion, both in Haifa, Israel told NewScientist: "We found that sexual stimuli are the most potent."
So far 30 people with normal sexual function have been tested, but if further tests are successful, Vardi hopes his method will have many applications. These could include quantitatively analysing the libido-lowering (or enhancing) side effects of medication or even supporting legal claims of a reduction in sex drive after an accident.
But he cautions that it is too early to say for sure whether it will be possible to establish an absolute measurement scale for libido.
David Ralph, chairman of the British Society for Sexual Medicine, says the technique is "an interesting concept and the first of its kind - there has never been any quantitative measurement of libido".
He told New Scientist further tests are needed involving people with sexual dysfunction to indicate the potential of the approach, but adds that "another tool to help diagnose patients is always helpful".
Random clips
Vardi conducted experiments on 14 male and 16 female volunteers with normal sexual function. Using standard EEG equipment, a pair of headphones and a computer monitor, the subjects listened to music and other sounds to stimulate p300 brain waves. These waves, produced 300 milliseconds after an event, are the brain's normal response to stimuli.
The subjects were then shown a random selection of 40-second film clips, which mixed erotic clips in amongst footage of sports, nature and romantic vistas. The reduction in amplitude of the p300 waves was recorded and provides a measure of how much someone was distracted by a clip.
The reduction in amplitude was significantly greater for the sexual clips than for the others. Vardi then compared the results with questionnaires the subjects filled in afterwards about how much each erotic clip had aroused them. He found a strong correlation between their description and the drop in p300 amplitude, and the results were similar for men and women.
Standard stimulation
Vardi acknowledges that the measurement of p300 reduction is not specific to libido and has been used by researchers for other purposes for many years. He was inspired to use it in a sexual context by a neurologist colleague who was using the technique to measure the attention capabilities of people involved in car accidents.
Vardi, who presented his research at the recent European Society for Sexual Medicine Congress, is now preparing to test patients whose libido has been lowered by prescribed drugs, such as antidepressants.
One of the challenges, he says, is to find a standard measure of how stimulating a particular piece of erotic footage is to viewers. "To have a standardised sexual clip is very problematic," Vardi said. The footage he used had been tested in Italy by 25 men and women. "Only the clips that were the most arousing were used," he says.