A model for inhibition of kindling progression by 2DG.
(a) Under normal circumstances, NADH generated by glycolysis destabilizes the interaction of CtBP and NRSF, allowing transcription of NRSF target genes such as BDNF and TrkB and maintaining normal neuronal excitability. (b) Administration of 2DG inhibits glycolysis, reducing NADH concentrations. The co-repressor CtBP is recruited to form the NRSF:CtBP complex on NRSF target genes, reducing their transcription. Lower expression of BDNF and TrkB leads to reduced neuronal excitability, increasing seizure threshold and inhibiting progression of kindling.
Nature Neuroscience - 9, 1382 - 1387 (2006)
2-Deoxy-D-glucose reduces epilepsy progression by NRSF-CtBP–dependent metabolic regulation of chromatin structure
Mireia Garriga-Canut & Avtar Roopra etal
Abstract | Full text | PDF (208K) | Supplementary Information
Nature Neuroscience - 9, 1351 - 1352 (2006)
Inhibiting glycolysis to reduce seizures: how it might work
Yang Zhong Huang & James O McNamara
Abstract | Full text | PDF (163K)
相关基因 pubmed gene:
C-terminal Binding Protein [Drosophila melanogaster]
Other Aliases: Dmel_CG7583, 0256/16, 256/16, CG7583, EP(3)3528, G9, RE01030, RE61183, ctbp, dCtBP, l(3)G9
Other Designations: C-terminal Binding Protein CG7583-PA, isoform A; C-terminal Binding Protein CG7583-PB, isoform B; C-terminal Binding Protein CG7583-PC, isoform C; C-terminal Binding Protein CG7583-PD, isoform D; C-terminal Binding Protein CG7583-PE, isoform E
Chromosome: 3R; Location: 87D8-87D9
GeneID: 41602