Figure 1. Arc/Arg3.1 Interacts with Endophilin and Dynamin
(A) Schematic diagram showing the domain structure of Arc/Arg3.1, endophilin 3, dynamin 2, and the yeast two-hybrid fragments of each.
(B) When coexpressed in HEK293 cells, Arc/Arg3.1 coIPs dynamin 2(503–871) but not dynamin 2(612–871) (lacks the PH domain). Control blots show expressed dynamin (dynamin Off) and immunoprecipitated Arc/Arg3.1 (Arc IP).
(C) Dynamin coIPs with Arc/Arg3.1 from a rat forebrain synaptosomal fraction (P2). Ten percent of lysate used for IP was routinely loaded in offered lane.
(D) Arc/Arg3.1 coIPs endophilin 2(172–368) and endophilin 3(172–347), but not endophilin 1(172–352) from HEK293 cells.
(E) Pan endophilin Ab detects coIP with Arc/Arg3.1 from rat forebrain P2 fraction. Samples were reblotted with Abs selective for individual endophilin A proteins. Arc/Arg3.1 IP fractions show enrichment for endophilin 2 and 3, but not endophilin 1.
为了确切了解Arc蛋白的作用,约翰·霍普金斯大学的研究队伍仔细寻找了哪些蛋白与Arc蛋白发生作用。实验者使用Arc蛋白做“饵”(标志物),在一大群正常情况下在大脑中存在的其他的蛋白质中进行“垂钓”,发现其与两个已知的负责在细胞内外转运物质的蛋白质可以相互作用,即我们已知的发动蛋白(dynamin )和 endophilin。因而证明了Arc通过控制着这两个蛋白质来控制着细胞吞噬其表面受体的频率,并可能借此转运与记忆有关的物质。这一发现这将有助于我们进一步理解大脑是如何保存记忆的。
Neuron November 9, 2006: 52 (3)
"Arc, Synaptic Plasticity, and Memory"
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