生物谷报道:3 种核蛋白MINT 〔也叫X11样(X11-like)蛋白质〕是多突触蛋白质的结合物,最近的一项研究利用淘汰法证明这3 种核蛋白MINT可能在突触传递中不可或缺。该研究结果发表在12月13日的《Journal of Neuroscience》上。
由于不同的异构体(isoform)能相互弥补彼此的功能不足;因此,应用单淘汰法较难得出确实可靠的结论。因此,安琪拉·何(Angela Ho)等人应用构成条件淘汰法(constitutive and conditional knock-out strategies)剪切3 种核蛋白MINT。核蛋白MINT 1和2的剪切使这两种蛋白的异构体选择神经元为特定表达对象,导致大多数老鼠在出生时死亡。幸存的20%小鼠有共济失调并且体重降低。在双淘汰法研究中,海马神经元的全细胞记录显示突触强度降低,微兴奋性突触后电流(excitatory postsynaptic currents, EPSCs)的频率缩减了两倍,对脉冲易化(paired pulse facilitation, PPF)提高,核蛋白MINT1和2提示有突触前活动。 相似结果见于核蛋白MINT1/2/3的急性脱落(消融)试验。
Angela Ho, Wade Morishita, Deniz Atasoy, Xinran Liu, Katsuhiko Tabuchi, Robert E. Hammer, Robert C. Malenka, and Thomas C. Südhof
Genetic Analysis of Mint/X11 Proteins: Essential Presynaptic Functions of a Neuronal Adaptor Protein Family
J. Neurosci. 2006 26: 13089-13101; doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2855-06.2006 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental Data]
MINT(Msx2 interacting nuclear target protein)是定位于细胞核基质中的一种蛋白质,广泛分布于成体的多种组织,对转录有负调控作用. MINT是通过对同源转录抑制因子Msx2为诱饵的相互作用蛋白的筛选而被发现的
X11L [Drosophila melanogaster]
Other Aliases: Dmel_CG5675, CG5675, CG5678, Dmint, MINT, X11, dX11L
Other Designations: X11L CG5675-PA
Chromosome: X; Location: 16B7-16B7
GeneID: 252671
Official Symbol: Msx2 and Name: homeo box, msh-like 2 [Mus musculus]
Other Aliases: BB122635, Hox-8, Hox8, Hox8.1
Chromosome: 13; Location: 13 32.0 cM
GeneID: 17702
Angela Ho
Research Interests
I have diverse interests.
They can be broadly categorized to include Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction, applicable to Command and Control domains like in vehicles and aircrafts.I am also interested in applying engineering knowledge to the greater fields of Strategies, Policy Making in the Transportation, Aviation and Defence industries.
Research Advisor Prof. Mary (Missy) Cummings
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics