在2007年3月23日发表在《科学》杂志上的一篇研究论文中,来自约翰.霍普金斯大学Howard Hughes医学中心的研究者同圣巴巴拉加利福尼亚大学的研究者一道通过一系列设计巧妙的色觉检查,证实了通过基因调控可以使小鼠能够分辨很广泛的色谱。这些实验是为了验证经过基因治疗的小鼠的大脑能否有效的感知它们眼内的新的光感受器的信息。在哺乳动物中,只有灵长类动物曾被发现具有如此精密的色觉,因此小鼠的大脑不需进化就可以辨别这些色觉了。包括小鼠在内的大多数哺乳动物都是二色视,它们只有S和M视锥细胞色素。因此,它们只能分辨人类所能分辨颜色的一部分。来自剑桥大学的John Mollon认为三色视的进化使灵长类动物能够分辨不成熟的和成熟的水果,前者以绿色为特征,而后者为红色和桔黄色。与此相应,成熟果实的颜色也与灵长类动物的三色视一起进化了,因为那些识别并且食用成熟果实的动物通过传播它们的种子而帮助了植物的繁殖。
Gerald Jacobs 和Jeremy Nathans是本项研究的主要作者,他们说:经过基因工程改造的小鼠获得新的色觉能力这一现象提示哺乳动物的大脑具有可塑性,使得其在复杂色觉方面具有几乎同时升级的能力。
Fig. 1. (A) ERG spectral sensitivity for mice expressing the M pigment. Data points are mean values for 12 animals. The curve is that for the best-fitting photopigment absorption function. (B) Mean spectral sensitivity function for 18 mice expressing the human L pigment. (C) Spectral sensitivity for 82 heterozygous mice. The curve is the best-fit linear summation of curves derived from those in (A) and (B). (D) Distribution of the L:M cone weightings required to best fit each of the heterozygous mice represented in (C). (E) Mean V-log I functions obtained from activation of either mouse M or human L pigments. Light intensity has been specified according to its calculated effectiveness on each of these pigments. sec, seconds; sr, steradians. For derivation of the fitted functions, see SOM. (F) Increment-threshold measurements. The inset schematizes the discrimination context in which, on each trial, a monochromatic test light was added to any oneofthe threepanels, allofwhich were steadily illuminated with identical achromatic light. The colored bars depict the difference in the thresholds obtained for 500- and 600-nm test lights for mice whose retinas contained either mouse M (n = 4 mice) or both M and L (n = 7 mice) pigments. Error bars in [(A) to (C)] and [(E) and (F)] indicate 2 SDs.
Science 23 March 2007 Vol 315, Issue 5819
Emergence of Novel Color Vision in Mice Engineered to Express a Human Cone Photopigment
Gerald H. Jacobs, Gary A. Williams, Hugh Cahill, and Jeremy Nathans
Science 23 March 2007: 1723-1725.
Mice engineered to express the human long-wavelength opsin in addition to its own two color vision pigments acquire a new ability to distinguish colors.
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Gerald H. Jacobs
Research Professor, Psychology
Current Research Selected Publications Contact Information
Gerald Jacobs received a B.A. degree at University of Vermont and a Ph. D. from Indiana University. After serving for five years on the faculty of the University of Texas, Austin he came to UCSB in 1969. Professor Jacobs is a member of the Neuroscience Research Institute at UCSB. He has authored more than 200 journal papers and chapters on a wide range of topics dealing with vision and the visual system. Jacobs is a fellow of the Optical Society of America and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Among his major professional honors are the Rank Prize in Optoelectronics (1986), Faculty Research Lecturer of the University of California, Santa Barbara (1996), and the Proctor Medal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (1998).
Jeremy Nathans, M.D., Ph.D
Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Molecular Biology of Vision and Pattern Formation in Development
The principal research interests of the Nathans lab center on two areas: (1) the structure and function of the vertebrate visual system and (2) the origins of pattern formation in development.
The Nathans laboratory is approaching questions related to the visual system by studying the retina. The questions we are asking are: (1) How are the patterns of cell identity in the retina determined at a molecular level? (2) How is the final performance of the system affected by individual molecules and molecular events? (3) How is the remarkable structure of photoreceptor cells generated? (4) What are the pathologic mechanisms responsible for blinding diseases and how can this knowledge be applied to therapeutic intervention?
Research in the Nathans laboratory on pattern formation focuses on the mechanism of action and biological role of a large family of transmembrane receptors referred to as "Frizzled" proteins, a name that reflects the odd appearance of those Drosophila in which one of the Frizzled genes is mutated. The Frizzled proteins act as receptors for a family of secreted signaling proteins referred to as Wnts, but at least one non-Wnt ligand activates one of the Frizzleds. Using knock-out mice, we have shown that a remarkably diverse group of developmental processes relies on Frizzled action, including blood vessel development in the retina, development of the cerebellum, axonal growth and path finding in the spinal cord and forebrain, and hair patterning on the body surface. We are currently investigating the mechanisms underlying Frizzled action in these various contexts, and searching for additional roles of Frizzled proteins.
In both areas of research, the Nathans laboratory uses genetically engineered mice, cell culture approaches, in vitro biochemical experiments with purified proteins, and the analysis of genes and proteins responsible for inherited human diseases.