领导该项研究的是美国科罗拉多大学的神经学家Brendan Depue。他的小组首先向实验志愿者展示两类图片,一类是人脸图像,另一类是能够唤起情感反应的图像,比如车祸、伤员等。等到志愿者已经在两类图像之间建立联系之后,就向他们单独展示人脸图像,并让他们联想相关的另一类图片或者努力不去联想。
脑成像实验表明,大脑负责计划和决策的区域——前额皮质(prefrontal cortex)“导演”了这次关闭。它先是降低了大脑加工视觉信息区域的活性,然后又抑制了杏仁核等产生情感区域的活动。随后的测验发现,志愿者对先前建立起来的两类图像之间的联系已经不大能记起来了。
美国俄勒冈大学研究记忆抑制的神经学家Mike Anderson说:“这一研究为我们增强了信心,说明我们正在关注的是正确的系统。往后人们可以通过训练关闭大脑重放机制来忘却创伤记忆。”
Depue认为,此次研究虽然并未能终结关于弗洛伊德100多年前提出的无意识记忆抑制(unconsciously repressed memories)的争论,但却有助于我们弄清其中的机制。(科学网 )
Science 13 July 2007:
Vol. 317. no. 5835, pp. 215 - 219
DOI: 10.1126/science.1139560
Prefrontal Regions Orchestrate Suppression of Emotional Memories via a Two-Phase Process
Brendan E. Depue,1,2* Tim Curran,1,2,3 Marie T. Banich1,2,3,4
Whether memories can be suppressed has been a controversial issue in psychology and cognitive neuroscience for decades. We found evidence that emotional memories are suppressed via two time-differentiated neural mechanisms: (i) an initial suppression by the right inferior frontal gyrus over regions supporting sensory components of the memory representation (visual cortex, thalamus), followed by (ii) right medial frontal gyrus control over regions supporting multimodal and emotional components of the memory representation (hippocampus, amygdala), both of which are influenced by fronto-polar regions. These results indicate that memory suppression does occur and, at least in nonpsychiatric populations, is under the control of prefrontal regions.
1 Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
2 Center for Neuroscience, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
3 Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
4 Department of Psychiatry, University of Denver Health Sciences, Denver, CO 80208, USA.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: depue@colorado.edu