灵长类动物获得深度直觉和三维结构认识需要两个主要的视觉线索:双眼视差(spatial binocular disparity)和物体运动时感知到的外形变化。不过,大脑如何整合这两方面的信息一直是个谜团。
最近,通过两项独立的实验研究,比利时鲁汶天主教大学(Catholic University of Leuven)的神经学家Guy Orban和同事发现,一个名为顶叶内前部区(anterior intraparietal cortex,简称AIP)的大脑区域与上述两种视觉线索都紧密相关。
英国牛津大学专门研究双眼知觉的神经学家Andrew Parker认为该项研究具有重要而广泛的意义。他说,“该研究结论很大程度上拓展了我们对AIP介入过程的认识。如果猴子可以自由移动这一因素不影响实验结论的话,我对深度知觉的看法将发生改变。”(科学网 任霄鹏/编译)
Neuron, Vol 55, 493-505, 02 August 2007
Anterior Regions of Monkey Parietal Cortex Process Visual 3D Shape
Jean-Baptiste Durand,1,5 Koen Nelissen,1,5 Olivier Joly,1,5 Claire Wardak,1 James T. Todd,2 J. Farley Norman,3 Peter Janssen,1 Wim Vanduffel,1,4 and Guy A. Orban1,
1 Lab Neuro- en Psychofysiologie, K.U. Leuven, Medical School, Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, B-3000, Leuven, Belgium
2 Department of Psychology, Ohio State University, 142 Townshend Hall, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
3 Department of Psychology, Western Kentucky University, 1906 College Heights Boulevard, Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030, USA
4 Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
Corresponding author
Guy A. Orban
The intraparietal cortex is involved in the control of visually guided actions, like reach-to-grasp movements, which require extracting the 3D shape and position of objects from 2D retinal images. Using fMRI in behaving monkeys, we investigated the role of the intraparietal cortex in processing stereoscopic information for recovering the depth structure and the position in depth of objects. We found that while several areas (CIP, LIP, and AIP on the lateral bank; PIP and MIP on the medial bank) are activated by stereoscopic stimuli, AIP and an adjoining portion of LIP are sensitive only to depth structure. Furthermore, only these two regions are sensitive to both the depth structure and the 2D shape of small objects. These results indicate that extracting 3D spatial information from stereo involves several intraparietal areas, among which AIP and anterior LIP are more specifically engaged in extracting the 3D shape of objects.