抗抑郁药主要作用是阻止一些特定化学物质输入脑部神经元,这些化学物质包括多巴胺、复合胺等,它们用来在细胞间传递信息。而这些化学物质的输入则依赖细胞外膜上称作转运蛋白(transporter proteins)的分子通道。抗抑郁药正是在这些分子通道上发挥它的作用。但是抗抑郁药到底是怎样发挥作用的深层机制却一直没有弄清。
为了解决这一长达45年的难题,两个独立研究小组开始了攻关行动。领导者分别是美国俄勒冈健康与科学大学(Oregon Health and Science University)的Eric Gouaux和纽约大学的Da-Neng Wang。由于人类的细胞的转运蛋白难以分离且易于分解,所以他们实验中采用的是细菌的相似蛋白——LeuT。他们通过实验令细菌转运蛋白与所选抗抑郁药(Gouaux小组所用为clomipramine,Wang小组所用为具有相似组分的desipramine)形成结晶,这样转运蛋白与抗抑郁药就“绑”在了一起。然后,研究人员应用X射线结晶学(X-ray crystallography)放大转运蛋白的结构并进行分析。
针对此次研究,也有不同观点。英国牛津大学的药理学家Les Iversen就对此次研究的实用性表示了怀疑。他认为,以前分子结构也没有弄清,但是有效的药物照样开发出来了。他说:“我认为我们没必要弄清这些,药物开发人员一直在研究这些绑定位置,虽然并不知道它们的具体位置。”(科学网 梅进/编译)
Nature advance online publication 8 August 2007 | doi:10.1038/nature06038; Received 30 January 2007; Accepted 21 June 2007; Published online 8 August 2007
Antidepressant binding site in a bacterial homologue of neurotransmitter transporters
Satinder K. Singh1, Atsuko Yamashita3,4 & Eric Gouaux1,2
The Vollum Institute and,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Oregon Health and Science University, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Road, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University, 650 West 168th Street, New York, New York 10032, USA
Present address: RIKEN SPring-8 Center, 1-1-1, Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148, Japan.
Correspondence to: Eric Gouaux1,2 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E.G. (Email: gouauxe@ohsu.edu).
Sodium-coupled transporters are ubiquitous pumps that harness pre-existing sodium gradients to catalyse the thermodynamically unfavourable uptake of essential nutrients, neurotransmitters and inorganic ions across the lipid bilayer1. Dysfunction of these integral membrane proteins has been implicated in glucose/galactose malabsorption2, congenital hypothyroidism3, Bartter's syndrome4, epilepsy5, depression6, autism7 and obsessive-compulsive disorder8. Sodium-coupled transporters are blocked by a number of therapeutically important compounds, including diuretics9, anticonvulsants10 and antidepressants11, many of which have also become indispensable tools in biochemical experiments designed to probe antagonist binding sites and to elucidate transport mechanisms. Steady-state kinetic data have revealed that both competitive12, 13 and noncompetitive14, 15 modes of inhibition exist. Antagonist dissociation experiments on a serotonin transporter tricyclic antidepressant have also unveiled the existence of a low-affinity allosteric site that slows the dissociation of inhibitors from a separate high-affinity site16. Despite these strides, atomic-level insights into inhibitor action have remained elusive. Here we screen a panel of molecules for their ability to inhibit LeuT, a prokaryotic homologue of mammalian neurotransmitter sodium symporters, and show that the tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine noncompetitively inhibits substrate uptake. Cocrystal structures show that clomipramine binds in an extracellular-facing vestibule about 11 Å above the substrate and two sodium ions, apparently stabilizing the extracellular gate in a closed conformation. Off-rate assays establish that clomipramine reduces the rate at which leucine dissociates from LeuT and reinforce our contention that this inhibits LeuT by slowing substrate release. Our results represent a molecular view into noncompetitive inhibition of a sodium-coupled transporter and define principles for the rational design of new inhibitors.