生物谷报道:记忆的确是神奇的东西,人们要么忘却了不该忘的事情,要么是想抛开的回忆却无论如何也摆脱不掉。9月的《实验社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Experimental Social Psychology)即将发表的一项最新研究,为“越想忘的越忘不掉”找到了科学的解释。
领导该项研究的是美国北卡罗莱纳大学的心理学家Keith Payne。他和同事发现,情绪记忆是最难刻意忘掉的,尤其当这种记忆源于视觉线索。
不过,Payne强调,这一结果并不意味着情绪记忆永远不会被主动忘却。只要遗忘的动机足够强烈,人们完全可以超越情感因素的影响。(科学网 任霄鹏/编译)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Volume 43, Issue 5, September 2007, Pages 780-786
Emotional constraints on intentional forgetting
B. Keith Payne, a, and Elizabeth Corrigana
aDepartment of Psychology, Campus Box 3270, Davie Hall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
Received 20 October 2005; revised 13 July 2006. Available online 12 September 2006.
One way people control the contents of their minds is intentional forgetting—voluntarily forgetting events after they have happened. The events people would most like to forget are unpleasant and emotional. This study used a directed forgetting procedure with emotional and neutral pictures to examine whether people can intentionally forget emotional events as easily as mundane ones. When the to-be-forgotten list was neutral, participants showed successful intentional forgetting. But when the to-be-forgotten list was emotional, directed forgetting failed. Results contribute to understanding the ways that emotion constrains mental control by capturing mental processes including memory retrieval. Emotion may short-circuit attempts to forget those parts of the past people would most like to forget.
Keywords: Forgetting; Emotion; Memory