来自贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine ,BCM)的研究人员在《自然—神经学》(Nature Neuroscience)杂志上发表了有关内在的两个基因突变(引发癫痫症)也许会“负负得正”的研究成果。
BCM神经生物学与分子人类遗传学教授Jeffrey L.Noebels博士表示,“在大脑遗传学中,两个错误负负得正”,“我们认为这些发现在临床研究中意义重大——我们正在朝着利用基因预测神经疾病方面发展”。而且这些发现也许指出了一种通过基因靶向治疗法来治疗癫痫症的新方法。
Noebels博士进一步解释道,“假设你在钾离子通道方面具有缺陷,那么阻断某些钙离子通道的药物也许就会有效”,Noebels带领在其实验室进行博士后研究的Ed Glasscock博士通过缺陷型小鼠实验证明了以上观点。
其中一个突变来自Kcna1基因,这个基因的作用是管理钾离子在细胞内的进出,Kcna1基因突变会影响大脑颞叶(temporal lobe,一个处理视觉,听觉等的区域),引起严重的痉挛反应(seizures),甚至引起幼鼠的突然死亡。
另一个突变则与一个钙离子通道基因(Cacna1a)相关,这种突变会引起与失神癫痫(absence epilepsy)有关的一种特殊seizure,当患上这种seizure的时候,患者也许就会凝视着远方,而不会出现癫痫通常出现的抽搐或颤动。
许多不同的基因会引起痉挛失序症(seizure disorders),在一些情况下,这些基因编码离子通道,之前的研究表面这些基因的复合会导致癫痫症状更加严重,但是这一研究证明某些基因的拼合也许会抑制症状的发生,就像是“断路”了,Noebels表示。
Nature Neuroscience
Published online: 4 November 2007 | doi:10.1038/nn1999
Masking epilepsy by combining two epilepsy genes
Edward Glasscock1, Jing Qian1, Jong W Yoo1 & Jeffrey L Noebels1,2,3
Inherited errors in ion channel genes comprise the largest subset of monogenic causes of idiopathic epilepsy, and pathogenic variants contribute to genetic risk in the complex inheritance of this common disorder. We generated a digenic mouse model of human idiopathic epilepsy by combining two epilepsy-associated ion channel mutations with mutually opposing excitability defects and overlapping subcellular localization. We found that increasing membrane excitability by removing Shaker-like K+ channels, which are encoded by the Kcna1 gene, masked the absence epilepsy caused by a P/Q-type Ca2+ channelopathy due to a missense mutation in the Cacna1a gene. Conversely, decreasing network excitability by impairing Cacna1a Ca2+-channel function attenuated limbic seizures and sudden death in Kcna1-null mice. We also identified intermediate excitability phenotypes at the network and axonal levels. Protective interactions between pathogenic ion channel variants may markedly alter the clinical expression of epilepsy, highlighting the need for comprehensive profiling of this candidate gene set to improve the accuracy of genetic risk assessment of this complex disease.