由David Linden教授领导的研究组利用一种称为“双光子显微镜”的新技术观察了完整大脑中活神经元的工作。研究人员将荧光染料注射到小鼠大脑中,以“照亮”神经元亚群,然后通过一种在活小鼠的头骨中构建的“窗户”来观察这些神经元。
Neuron, Vol 56, 472-487, 08 November 2007
Axonal Motility and Its Modulation by Activity Are Branch-Type Specific in the Intact Adult Cerebellum
Hiroshi Nishiyama,1 Masahiro Fukaya,2 Masahiko Watanabe,2 and David J. Linden1,
1 Department of Neuroscience, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 725 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
2 Department of Anatomy, Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo 060-8638, Japan
Corresponding author
David J. Linden
We performed two-photon in vivo imaging of cerebellar climbing fibers (CFs; the terminal arbor of olivocerebellar axons) in adult mice. CF ascending branches innervate Purkinje cells while CF transverse branches show a near complete failure to form conventional synapses. Time-lapse imaging over hours or days revealed that ascending branches were very stable. However, transverse branches were highly dynamic, exhibiting rapid elongation and retraction and varicosity turnover. Thus, different branches of the same axon, with different innervation patterns, display branch type-specific motility in the adult cerebellum. Furthermore, dynamic changes in transverse branch length were almost completely suppressed by pharmacological stimulation of olivary firing.