2007年10月31日,北京生命科学研究所罗敏敏实验室在Journal of Neurophysiology杂志上发表了题为“Cortical-Like Functional Organization of the Pheromone-Processing Circuits in the Medial Amygdala”的文章。该文章揭示了内侧杏仁核处理信息素信息的基本神经环路。
博士生卞希玲为本文第一作者,论文的其他作者还有日本群马大学的Yuchio Yanagawa和耶鲁大学的陈伟博士,罗敏敏博士为本文通讯作者。此项研究由中国科技部, 北京市政府,中国自然科学基金, 人类前沿科学计划等资助,在北京生命科学研究所完成。(援引:北京生命科学研究所)
J Neurophysiol (October 31, 2007). doi:10.1152/jn.00902.2007
Submitted on August 13, 2007
Accepted on October 25, 2007
Cortical-like Functional Organization of the Pheromone-processing Circuits in the Medial Amygdala
Xiling Bian1, Yuchio Yanagawa2, Wei R Chen3, and Minmin Luo4*
1 Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , Beijing, China; NIBS, Beijing , Beijing, China
2 Department of Genetic and Behavioral Neuroscience, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine and SORST, Maebashi , Japan
3 Department of Neurobiology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
4 NIBS, Beijing , Beijing, China
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: luominmin@nibs.ac.cn .
The medial amygdala (MeA) is a critical center for processing pheromonal signals that regulate social and reproductive behaviors, but the fundamental cellular mechanisms underlying signal processing in the MeA have remained largely unknown. Some studies suggest that the MeA belongs to the striatum and provides inhibitory output to hypothalamic areas including the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). By combining tract tracing, genetic labeling of GABAergic neurons, and immunostaining against markers for glutamatergic synapses, we found that a majority of MeA neurons projecting to the VMH are glutamatergic. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings revealed that VMH-projecting neurons form a homogeneous population in terms of morphological and intrinsic properties. Nearly all cells possess Ih and IT and in some cases they can give rise to post-inhibitory rebound spikes. Morphological analysis of neurobiotin filled cells revealed neurons with long dendritic arbors that extend to the MeA external layer and within the amygdala. Thus, the VMH-projecting neurons in the MeA differ from the medium spiny neurons, the principal neurons of striatum, in terms of intrinsic physiological properties and morphology. In contrast, they resemble a subset of pyramidal cells in deep piriform cortex. Similar to pyramidal cells in piriform cortex, the VMH-projecting neurons in the MeA received direct excitatory input from their upstream sensory areas and inhibitory input from local GABAergic neurons. We conclude that pheromonal signals relayed to the VMH are processed by unique cortical, but not striatal, circuitry in the MeA.