脑深部电刺激术 (DBS),又称脑起搏器 ,在脑内特定的神经核团植入电极 ,释放高频电刺激 ,抑制了这些因多巴胺能神经元减少而过度兴奋的神经元的电冲动 ,减低了其过度兴奋的状态 ,从而减轻帕金森病症状。治疗缓解帕金森病的三个主要症状 :震颤、僵直和运动迟缓 ,尤其对中线症状有很好的改善作用 ,如起步和翻身困难等。脑起搏器是一套精致小巧的微电子装置 ,包括一个脉冲发生器、一根电极和一根延伸导线 ,这些部件均植入体内。植入体内的部件不会影响病人的日常生活。
DBS技术比以往的手术方法有其特点。首先 ,DBS是可逆的和可调节的。手术不毁损神经核团 ,只是使其暂时处于电麻痹状态 ,改善神经功能 ,神经核团麻痹的程度、范围可通过设定脑深部电极的电流、电压、频率及电极位置等多个因素来调节。在术后漫长日子里 ,还可随病情变化而不断调节 ,可以长期控制不断发展变化的帕金森病症状。
其次 ,DBS是可体验的。手术植入电极后 ,可通过临时刺激的方法 ,给病人和家属有几天的适应、体验和观察的时间 ,再决定最终和最佳的手术方案。减少以往手术由于患者紧张等因素造成疗效判断不准确的现象。再次 ,DBS是可发展的。手术保留正常脑组织的神经功能 ,为以后可能出现的新方法创造条件 ,也就保留了患者获得新生的权利和希望。最后 ,DBS是双侧的。帕金森病患者的双侧都会受到影响 ,但毁损双侧苍白球或丘脑 ,容易出现严重的并发症。而DBS则很少出现副作用 ,这是病人乐于接受的重要原因。
正由于上述优点 ,在美国、加拿大和欧洲等发达国家 ,已经很少人去做毁损术 ,接受脑起搏器治疗的帕金森病患者越来越多 ,在国内 ,也已经治疗了相当多的病例。
Nature Medicine
Published online: 23 December 2007 | doi:10.1038/nm1693
Adenosine is crucial for deep brain stimulation–mediated attenuation of tremor
Lane Bekar1,3, Witold Libionka1,3, Guo-Feng Tian1, Qiwu Xu1, Arnulfo Torres1, Xiaohai Wang1, Ditte Lovatt1, Erika Williams1, Takahiro Takano1, Jurgen Schnermann2, Robert Bakos1 & Maiken Nedergaard1
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a widely used neurosurgical approach to treating tremor and other movement disorders1, 2, 3. In addition, the use of DBS in a number of psychiatric diseases, including obsessive-compulsive disorders and depression, is currently being tested4, 5, 6. Despite the rapid increase in the number of individuals with surgically implanted stimulation electrodes, the cellular pathways involved in mediating the effects of DBS remain unknown1. Here we show that DBS is associated with a marked increase in the release of ATP, resulting in accumulation of its catabolic product, adenosine. Adenosine A1 receptor activation depresses excitatory transmission in the thalamus and reduces both tremor- and DBS-induced side effects. Intrathalamic infusion of A1 receptor agonists directly reduces tremor, whereas adenosine A1 receptor–null mice show involuntary movements and seizure at stimulation intensities below the therapeutic level. Furthermore, our data indicate that endogenous adenosine mechanisms are active in tremor, thus supporting the clinical notion that caffeine, a nonselective adenosine receptor antagonist, can trigger or exacerbate essential tremor7. Our findings suggest that nonsynaptic mechanisms involving the activation of A1 receptors suppress tremor activity and limit stimulation-induced side effects, thereby providing a new pharmacological target to replace or improve the efficacy of DBS.
Division of Glial Disease and Therapeutics, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14642, USA.
US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Building 10, Room 4D51, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to: Lane Bekar1,3 e-mail: lane_bekar@urmc.rochester.edu
Correspondence to: Maiken Nedergaard1 e-mail: nedergaard@urmc.rochester.edu