最新研究表明,即使是三岁小孩也能够利用户外环境地标辨别方向。而所处环境的大小、地标物的大小和位置都会影响儿童辨别方向的灵敏度和偏好。(科学网 荔涛/编译)
(《认知》(Cognition),doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2007.10.008, Alastair D. Smith, Bruce M. Hood)
Reorientation in the real world: The development of landmark use and integration in a natural environment
Alastair D. Smitha, , , Iain D. Gilchrista, Kirsten Caterb, Naimah Ikrama, Kylie Notta and Bruce M. Hooda
aBristol Cognitive Development Centre, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol, 12a Priory Road, Bristol BS8 1TU, UK
bDepartment of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Merchant Venturers Building, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB, UK
Received 27 June 2007; revised 16 October 2007; accepted 28 October 2007. Available online 11 December 2007.
An influential series of studies have argued that young children are unable to use landmark information to reorient. However, these studies have used artificial experimental environments that may lead to an underestimation of the children’s ability. We tested whether young children could reorient using landmarks in an ecologically valid setting. Children aged between 3 and 7 years completed a reorientation task in open parkland, and the properties of the search array (size and distinctiveness) were manipulated in a within-subjects design. Responses were recorded using Global Positioning Systems technology. All age groups performed above chance level, demonstrating that young children can reorient using natural landmarks. This behaviour was modulated by the nature of the search array: children were more accurate when the locations were spaced in a large array, and when the search locations were distinctively coloured. This suggests that the integration between landmarks and search locations, at different spatial scales, is a key factor in characterising human reorientation in the real world.
Keywords: Reorientation; Development; Landmarks
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 117 928 8450; fax: +44 117 928 8588.