生物谷报道:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所研究员王以政领导的研究组近日在Nature Neuroscience上发表论文。研究发现发现TRPC6通道促进兴奋性突触的形成,提高小鼠空间学习和记忆能力。
该工作揭示了TRPC通道对于兴奋性突触发育和学习记忆能力所起到的重要作用。这是该实验室继去年在Nature Neuroscience报道该通道促进神经元存活后,对TRPC通道功能的又一发现,对理解学习记忆机制,提供了新的思路和启发。 (生物谷www.bioon.com)
Nature Neuroscience ,Published online: 30 May 2008 | doi:10.1038/nn.2127
Critical role of TRPC6 channels in the formation of excitatory synapses
Jian Zhou1,2,3, Wanlu Du1,2,3, Kechun Zhou1,2, Yilin Tai1,2, Hailan Yao1,2, Yichang Jia1,2, Yuqiang Ding1 & Yizheng Wang1
The transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels are Ca2+-permeable, nonselective cation channels with different biological functions, but their roles in brain are largely unknown. Here we report that TRPC6 was localized to excitatory synapses and promoted their formation via a CaMKIV-CREB–dependent pathway. TRPC6 transgenic mice showed enhancement in spine formation, and spatial learning and memory in Morris water maze. These results reveal a previously unknown role of TRPC6 in synaptic and behavioral plasticity.