Julien Brechbühl及其同事发现,Grueneberg神经节可以捕捉到由相同种系的其它成员在处于危难时所产生的警示性的信息素。这些种系包括植物、鱼类、昆虫,而哺乳动物已知也会发出这些信息素。但是人们一直不清楚这些化合物究竟是什么,它们是如何产生的以及它们是如何被探查到的。研究人员将正常的小鼠与缺乏Grueneberg神经节的小鼠对由其它小鼠所分泌的警示性信息素究竟是如何反应的进行了比较。那些正常小鼠停止了对其笼子的探索并在笼子的一个角落呆愣着,而其它的小鼠则继续在笼子内转悠,好像并不知道危险信号的存在。可是,这两组小鼠都能够嗅查到埋藏在笼子草垫下的曲奇饼,这表明它们嗅觉系统的其它功能都是正常的。文章的作者还使用了电子显微镜来研究这种神经节的形态学。他们确定这些神经节与其它的嗅觉神经元有着类似的特征。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science,Vol. 321. no. 5892, pp. 1092 - 1095,Julien Brechbühl,Marie-Christine Broillet
Grueneberg Ganglion Cells Mediate Alarm Pheromone Detection in Mice
Julien Brechbühl, Magali Klaey, Marie-Christine Broillet*
Alarm pheromones (APs) are widely used throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. Species such as fish, insects, and mammals signal danger to conspecifics by releasing volatile alarm molecules. Thus far, neither the chemicals, their bodily source, nor the sensory system involved in their detection have been isolated or identified in mammals. We found that APs are recognized by the Grueneberg ganglion (GG), a recently discovered olfactory subsystem. We showed with electron microscopy that GG neurons bear primary cilia, with cell bodies ensheathed by glial cells. APs evoked calcium responses in GG neurons in vitro and induced freezing behavior in vivo, which completely disappeared when the GG degenerated after axotomy. We conclude that mice detect APs through the activation of olfactory GG neurons.