Marc Aurel Busche及其同僚应用双光子Ca2+ 成像来对受到Alzheimer氏症影响的小鼠脑中正在发生的活动进行检测。他们发现脑组织中有整整一半的神经元的冲动发放速度是在其正常范围之外的——即冲动发放或者太快或者太慢。
Science 19 September 2008: Vol. 321. no. 5896, pp. 1686 - 1689 DOI: 10.1126/science.1162844
Clusters of Hyperactive Neurons Near Amyloid Plaques in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Marc Aurel Busche,1,4 Gerhard Eichhoff,1,4 Helmuth Adelsberger,1,4 Dorothee Abramowski,2 Karl-Heinz Wiederhold,2 Christian Haass,3,4 Matthias Staufenbiel,2 Arthur Konnerth,1,4* Olga Garaschuk1,4
The neurodegeneration observed in Alzheimer's disease has been associated with synaptic dismantling and progressive decrease in neuronal activity. We tested this hypothesis in vivo by using two-photon Ca2+ imaging in amouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Although a decrease in neuronal activity was seen in 29% of layer 2/3 corticalneurons, 21% of neurons displayed an unexpected increase in the frequency of spontaneous Ca2+ transients. These"hyperactive" neurons were found exclusively near the plaques of amyloid β–depositing mice. The hyperactivityappeared to be due to a relative decrease in synaptic inhibition. Thus, we suggest that a redistribution of synaptic drive between silent and hyperactive neurons, rather than an overall decrease in synaptic activity, provides amechanism for the disturbed cortical function in Alzheimer's disease.