最近,由中科院心理所罗非研究员与北卡罗来那州神经科学研究所的张景渝教授共同发表了一篇综述。该综述讨论了脑深部电刺激技术(deep brain stimulation,DBS)应用在患有帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s diseases,PD)的啮齿类动物模型上的神经机制。相关论文发表在爱思唯尔期刊《神经学与生物行为评论》(Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews)上。
在过去的30年中,啮齿类动物模型已广泛用于PD的研究。这些研究PD的大鼠模型可以用来研究DBS的作用及其发挥作用的机制。如:跑步运动模型(Treadmill locomotion model)用来评估正常和病理状态下的感觉运动功能,将这一可测量的研究PD的跑步模型用于DBS的研究非常合适。测量跑步机上大鼠的位置能很容易得评估DBS刺激引起的改善,因此DBS的效果能很好的在这一模型上测量出来,这使之成为研究DBS的神经机制的一种非常有用的工具。四肢的不对称使用模型(Limb use asymmetry model)用来测量PD的运动功能,文中介绍了这个模型用于评估DBS有效性的优势。其中包括它的客观性,操作简单、快捷以及敏感性等。反应时模型(Reaction time model)用于测量帕金森病人的感觉运动功能缺失。已有研究将选择反应时任务用于正常的和多巴胺(DA)耗尽的大鼠上来研究DBS刺激丘脑底核(subthalamic nucleus,STN)的作用。
PD病人运动症状发生的经典理论模型是由于缺乏足够的DA,以致STN活动增加,从而导致黑质网状部(substantia nigra pars reticulata,SNr)和苍白球内部(globus pallidus interna,GPi)的抑制性输出增加。这些反应又导致丘脑内部的抑制性活动增强,这些抑制性活动可能会抑制或阻断运动区用来产生随意运动的激活的时空模式。关于DBS的体外研究支持了这一理论假设。在麻醉和清醒动物上进行的活体研究也已揭示了一些完好神经回路的反应,为这一理论假设提供了活体研究证据。最重要的是,在自由活动的动物上对产生了行为效应的DBS引起的神经反应进行记录,从而提供了一种考察DBS如何调节基底神经节—丘脑皮层回路进而改善运动功能的方法。文章还介绍了DBS能够调节放电频率,使不规则的爆发式放电模式正常化,并且能减少与帕金森氏症相关的低频振荡。本文作者的一些研究还解释了DBS在改进与运动行为相关的神经环路上的作用机制。
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2007.09.002 ,Jing-Yu Chang,Donald J. Woodward
Studies of the neural mechanisms of deep brain stimulation in rodent models of Parkinson's disease
Jing-Yu Changa, , , Li-Hong Shib, Fei Luoc, Wang-Ming Zhangd and Donald J. Woodwarda
aNeuroscience Research Institute of North Carolina, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA
bDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA
cInstitute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
dDepartment of Neurosurgery, Southern Medical University, GuangZhou, China
Several rodent models of deep brain stimulation (DBS) have been developed in recent years. Electrophysiological and neurochemical studies have been performed to examine the mechanisms underlying the effects of DBS. In vitro studies have provided deep insights into the role of ion channels in response to brain stimulation. In vivo studies reveal neural responses in the context of intact neural circuits. Most importantly, recording of neural responses to behaviorally effective DBS in freely moving animals provides a direct means for examining how DBS modulates the basal ganglia thalamocortical circuits and thereby improves motor function. DBS can modulate firing rate, normalize irregular burst firing patterns and reduce low frequency oscillations associated with the Parkinsonian state. Our current efforts are focused on elucidating the mechanisms by which DBS effects on neural circuitry improve motor performance. New behavioral models and improved recording techniques will aide researchers conducting future DBS studies in a variety of behavioral modalities and enable new treatment strategies to be explored, such as closed-loop stimulations based on real time computation of ensemble neural activity.