领导实施这项研究的不列颠哥伦比亚大学心理学教授卡琳娜·克里斯托夫(Kalina Christoff)表示:“思绪飘扬一般同懒散或精力不集中等负面事情有关。但是,这项研究却表明我们走神时大脑活动反而更为活跃,活跃程度甚至超过我们专心从事一些日常工作的时候。”
在此之前,科学家认为大脑的“默认网络”是走神时大脑中唯一活跃的区域。大脑“默认网络”同日常轻松的智力活动有关,包括内侧前额叶皮质、后扣带回皮质和颞顶联合区(temporoparietal junction)。但是,这项研究却发现,大脑的“执行网络”在我们走神时也会被激活。大脑“执行网络”负责解决高度复杂的问题,由侧面前额叶皮质和背面后扣带回皮质构成。
PNAS May 11, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0900234106
Experience sampling during fMRI reveals default network and executive system contributions to mind wandering
Kalina Christoffa,1, Alan M. Gordonb, Jonathan Smallwoodc, Rachelle Smitha and Jonathan W. Schoolerc
Although mind wandering occupies a large proportion of our waking life, its neural basis and relation to ongoing behavior remain controversial. We report an fMRI study that used experience sampling to provide an online measure of mind wandering during a concurrent task. Analyses focused on the interval of time immediately preceding experience sampling probes demonstrate activation of default network regions during mind wandering, a finding consistent with theoretical accounts of default network functions. Activation in medial prefrontal default network regions was observed both in association with subjective self-reports of mind wandering and an independent behavioral measure (performance errors on the concurrent task). In addition to default network activation, mind wandering was associated with executive network recruitment, a finding predicted by behavioral theories of off-task thought and its relation to executive resources. Finally, neural recruitment in both default and executive network regions was strongest when subjects were unaware of their own mind wandering, suggesting that mind wandering is most pronounced when it lacks meta-awareness. The observed parallel recruitment of executive and default network regions—two brain systems that so far have been assumed to work in opposition—suggests that mind wandering may evoke a unique mental state that may allow otherwise opposing networks to work in cooperation. The ability of this study to reveal a number of crucial aspects of the neural recruitment associated with mind wandering underscores the value of combining subjective self-reports with online measures of brain function for advancing our understanding of the neurophenomenology of subjective experience.