该研究的负责人Mark Tuszynski博士介绍说,脊髓损伤后轴突会被割端,但是如果应用一种联合治疗,它们能够被诱导再生。研究表明,长期损伤的轴突并没有完全麻木。
甚至在理想的实验室环境下,轴突再生也是一个复杂的过程,其需要三方面的联合作用:在损伤位点建立细胞桥(cellular bridge),一个引导轴突到正确靶标的神经系统生长因子,以及一种刺激损伤脊髓打开再生基因的激动剂。使用这样的联合处理,研究小组实现了小鼠中损伤脊髓位点的再生,并能够处理受伤长达15个月的脊髓损伤。那些缺乏全面联合治理的小鼠则没有表现出脊髓再生。
Neuron,29 October 2009 doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2009.09.016
Combined Intrinsic and Extrinsic Neuronal Mechanisms Facilitate Bridging Axonal Regeneration One Year after Spinal Cord Injury
Ken Kadoya1, 5, Shingo Tsukada1, 5, 6, Paul Lu1, 2, Giovanni Coppola3, Dan Geschwind3, Marie T. Filbin4, Armin Blesch1 and Mark H. Tuszynski1, 2, ,
1 Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
2 Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Diego, CA 92161, USA
3 Department of Neurology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
4 Biology Department, Hunter College, New York, NY 10065, USA
Despite advances in promoting axonal regeneration after acute spinal cord injury (SCI), elicitation of bridging axon regeneration after chronic SCI remains a formidable challenge. We report that combinatorial therapies administered 6 weeks, and as long as 15 months, after SCI promote axonal regeneration into and beyond a midcervical lesion site. Provision of peripheral nerve conditioning lesions, grafts of marrow stromal cells, and establishment of NT-3 gradients supports bridging regeneration. Controls receiving partial components of the full combination fail to exhibit bridging. Notably, intraneuronal molecular mechanisms recruited by delayed therapies mirror those of acute injury, including activation of transcriptional activators and regeneration-associated genes. Collectively, these findings provide evidence that regeneration is achievable at unprecedented postinjury time points.